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Descriptive Attribute Value(s)
Ceramics Class
Layer Date Start 1
Layer Date Start Suffix AD
Layer Date End 200
Layer Date End Suffix AD
Glass (count) 3
Bone (count) 152
Metal (deprecated) (count) 3
Ceramics (count) 216
Plaster (count) 3
Stone (count) 1
Publictation Status Published
Publictation Year 2016
Definition rubble layer along bedrock
Ceramics (weight, kg.) 7.904
Glass (weight, kg.) 0.002
Bone (weight, kg.) 1.66
Metal (deprecated) (weight, kg.) 0.026
Stone (weight, kg.) 0.001
Plaster (weight, kg.) 0.01
Formation Process Accumulation
Stratigraphic Reliability Fair
Stratigraphic Unit Type Anthropic
Elevation Maximum 64.0
Elevation Minimum 63.0
In Elevation Drawing False
Has Photosmodels False
Clay 5.0
Silt 60.0
Sand 35.0
Soil Matrix Granular
Observations not excavated in 2010
Position at the northeastern edge of 2010 Trench B
Layer Surface no slope; visible are stones and travertine fragments and a few fragments of ceramic commonware
Layer Inclusion Observations even distribution of larger tufo fragments
Layer Thickness Observations thickness constant
Layer Interface Diffuse
Finds Observations Buccheroid impasto: incised decoration on one sherd. Metal: two iron nails, one small iron chunk. No diagnostic sherds of terra sigillata or thin-walled ware, but commonware dates align with the general chronology of the wares; first and second century AD seems likely.
Ceramics Observations Good condition overall.
Originally Filled Date 2010-08-02
Originally Revised Date 2010-08-02
Originally Entered Date 2010-11-04
Originally Signed Date 2012-07-11
Record Revised Date 2016-04-26
Interpretation loose fill adjacent to bedrock, most likely still part of the big robbing trench 1209
Amphora (rims count) 2
Amphora (handles count) 2
Amphora (bases count) 2
Amphora (walls count) 39
Amphora (total count) 45
Amphora (weight, kg) 4.195
Amphora (min size) 3.0
Amphora (max size) 10.0
Black Gloss (rims count) 9
Black Gloss (bases count) 2
Black Gloss (walls count) 12
Black Gloss (total count) 23
Black Gloss (weight, kg) 0.202
Black Gloss (min size) 1.0
Black Gloss (max size) 9.0
Bucchero (rims count) 1
Bucchero (walls count) 1
Bucchero (total count) 2
Bucchero (weight, kg) 0.008
Bucchero (max size) 4.0
Buccheroid Impasto (rims count) 1
Buccheroid Impasto (handles count) 1
Buccheroid Impasto (walls count) 1
Buccheroid Impasto (total count) 3
Buccheroid Impasto (weight, kg) 0.036
Buccheroid Impasto (min size) 2.0
Buccheroid Impasto (max size) 6.0
Commonware (rims count) 16
Commonware (handles count) 2
Commonware (bases count) 4
Commonware (walls count) 54
Commonware (total count) 76
Commonware (weight, kg) 1.14
Commonware (min size) 1.0
Commonware (max size) 10.0
Creamware (rims count) 1
Creamware (bases count) 2
Creamware (walls count) 11
Creamware (total count) 14
Creamware (weight, kg) 0.216
Creamware (min size) 2.0
Creamware (max size) 10.0
Dolium (rims count) 1
Dolium (walls count) 2
Dolium (total count) 3
Dolium (weight, kg) 1.215
Dolium (min size) 7.0
Dolium (max size) 10.0
Fineware (rims count) 1
Fineware (walls count) 4
Fineware (total count) 5
Fineware (weight, kg) 0.02
Fineware (min size) 3.0
Fineware (max size) 5.0
Impasto (rims count) 3
Impasto (handles count) 2
Impasto (bases count) 1
Impasto (walls count) 15
Impasto (total count) 21
Impasto (weight, kg) 0.466
Impasto (min size) 3.0
Impasto (max size) 7.0
Impasto Chiaro Sabbioso (walls count) 3
Impasto Chiaro Sabbioso (total count) 3
Impasto Chiaro Sabbioso (weight, kg) 0.016
Impasto Chiaro Sabbioso (max size) 4.0
Impasto Rosso (rims count) 1
Impasto Rosso (walls count) 1
Impasto Rosso (total count) 2
Impasto Rosso (weight, kg) 0.084
Impasto Rosso (min size) 3.0
Impasto Rosso (max size) 5.0
Lamp (bases count) 1
Lamp (walls count) 1
Lamp (total count) 2
Lamp (weight, kg) 0.004
Lamp (min size) 2.0
Lamp (max size) 3.0
Mortarium (rims count) 1
Mortarium (bases count) 2
Mortarium (walls count) 11
Mortarium (total count) 14
Mortarium (weight, kg) 0.216
Mortarium (min size) 2.0
Mortarium (max size) 10.0
Painted Commonware (walls count) 1
Painted Commonware (total count) 1
Painted Commonware (weight, kg) 0.004
Painted Commonware (max size) 4.0
Painted Creamware (walls count) 3
Painted Creamware (total count) 3
Painted Creamware (weight, kg) 0.026
Painted Creamware (min size) 3.0
Painted Creamware (max size) 5.0
Terra Sigillata (bases count) 2
Terra Sigillata (walls count) 4
Terra Sigillata (total count) 6
Terra Sigillata (weight, kg) 0.034
Terra Sigillata (min size) 3.0
Terra Sigillata (max size) 6.0
Thin Walled (walls count) 6
Thin Walled (total count) 6
Thin Walled (weight, kg) 0.012
Thin Walled (min size) 2.0
Thin Walled (max size) 4.0
Suggested Citation

Rachel Opitz, Marcello Mogetta, Nicola Terrenato. (2017) "Unit 1306 from Europe/Italy/Gabii/Area B". In The Gabii Project. Rachel Opitz, Marcello Mogetta, Nicola Terrenato (Ed). Released: 2017-06-04. Open Context. <> ARK (Archive):

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