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Descriptive Attribute Value(s)
Phase 5A
Side left
Sex sex could not be determined
Peeling absent
Recovery Year 1999.0
Context Death Pit
Body Section 1 limb
Body Section 2 forelimb
Skeletal Element scapula
Age Category adolescent or adult of indeterminate age
Element Size less than 25% of a complete element present
Rep. Shaft (Long Bones) present
Scapula: Glenoid Fossa complete
Scapula: Axillary Border less than 25% of complete portion present
Scapula: Acromion absent
Scapula: Spinoglenoid Ntch absent
Scapula: Corocoid Process absent
Scapula: Corocoid Notch absent
Scapula: Spine absent
Scapula: Body absent
Scapula: Vertebral Border absent
Scapula: Inf. Angle absent
Surface Exposure/ Readability 50-75%
Matrix Adhesion generalized (over entire surface)
Surface Degradation Stage No evidence of bone surface degradation due to weathering or thermal exposure
Surface Degradation Type Absent
Surface Degradation Extent not available/not applicable
Degredation Association W/ Thermal Exposure not available/not applicable
Irregular Bones: Color/extent Mottled dark red brown; Localized
Tooth Mark Type: Location absent
Has note Human bone specimen have identifiers of a sequence of 2-3 numbers separated by periods (Lot #.Specimen #.Further identifier. Note 1: specimen numbers starting with -0- are lab generated numbers for specimens collected in large bone bags; the number of additional specimen identifiers is related to number of specimens in recovery bags
Cutmark Location not available/not applicable
Cutmark # 0
Cutmark Type absent
Taxon Homo sapiens
Element 1 (human) scapula
Weathering Present
Sex (human) NA
Human Bone ID 2642/0.32
Age Category (human) NA
Side (human) l
Human Bone Death Pit Coding Methods
Suggested Citation

Suellen Gauld. (2010) "2642.0.32 from Asia/Turkey/Domuztepe/I/Lot 2642". In Domuztepe Excavations. Elizabeth Carter, Stuart Campbell (Ed). Released: 2010-07-31. Open Context. <> ARK (Archive):

Editorial Status
Part of Project
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Required Attribution: Citation and reference of URIs (hyperlinks)