Descriptive Attribute | Value(s) |
Discovery-Unit ID | 525 |
Class | Standard |
Date | 1999-07-12 |
Topo-Map | 63671 |
Toponym | Xylokeriza |
Northing | 4194313.0 |
Easting | 671951.0 |
Elevation | 84.0 |
Area | 8711.0 |
Description | North of slaughterhouse and immediately South of road. |
MBG-Length | 182.0 |
MBG-Width | 83.0 |
Toponymn (Linked) | Xylokeriza |
Descriptive Attribute | Value(s) |
Discovery-Unit ID | 525 |
Geomorph Unit | 1035 |
Land Cover, Coniferous-Forest | False |
Land Cover, Evergreen-Forest | False |
Land Cover, Maquis | False |
Land Cover, Phrygana | False |
Land Cover, Deciduous | False |
Land Cover, Pseudo-Steppe | False |
Land Cover, Chasmophyte | False |
Land Cover, Coastal | False |
Land Cover, Other | False |
Land Cover, Weeds | False |
Land Cover, Grain | False |
Land Cover, Grain-Stubble | True |
Land Cover, Kalamboki | False |
Land Cover, Small-Leafed-Crops | False |
Land Cover, Broad-Leafed-Crops | False |
Land Cover, Other-Crops | False |
Land Cover, Grapes | False |
Land Cover, Almonds | False |
Land Cover, Apricot | False |
Land Cover, Citrus | False |
Land Cover, Olives | False |
Olive Circumference Minimum | 0.0 |
Olive Circumference Maximum | 0.0 |
Land Cover, Other-Orchard | False |
Land Cover Comments | More visible to the west where the dump exposes the ground, which is normally entirely covered by grain stubble (0% where covered by stubble). |
Descriptive Attribute | Value(s) |
Soil-Plowed | False |
Soil-Compaction | Unrecorded |
Sherd-Crusting | Unrecorded |
Clast | Rock |
Clast-Size | Boulder |
Disturbance | Light |
Irrigation | None |
Percent-Visible | 10.0 |
Land use, Residential | False |
Land use, Agricultural | True |
Land use, Res-Agr | False |
Land use, Recreational | False |
Land use, Comm-Serv | False |
Land use, Transportation | False |
Land use, Quarry | False |
Land use, Dump | True |
Land use, Other | False |
Land use, None | False |
Land use, Comments | The field is between the animal pen and the slaughter house. Dense modern dumping occurs in pronounced mounds. Goats are housed in the pen adjacent to the road. |
Descriptive Attribute | Value(s) |
Discovery-Unit ID | 525 |
Agricultural, Animal Pen | Modern feature |
Special Purpose, Dump | Modern feature |
Special Purpose, Stone-Pile | Modern feature |
Comments (Features) | Many random rock piles scattered throughout the field. The field is between the animal pen and the slaughter house. Dense modern dumping occurs in pronounced mounds. Concentrations of brick, concrete, pottery, metal,tiles, etc. in West end of field. On North lies a goat pen (with real lives goats and a chicken too). Goats are housed in the pen adjacent to the road. Artifacts include sheet metal, metal garbage bin, chairs, wire, pipe, among others. |
Descriptive Attribute | Value(s) |
Vocabulary: DCMI Metadata Terms (Dublin Core Terms) |
Xylokeriza |
Descriptive Attribute | Value(s) |
Vocabulary: DCMI Metadata Terms (Dublin Core Terms) |
Vocabulary: DCMI Metadata Terms (Dublin Core Terms) |
Landscape archaeology
Vocabulary: Library of Congress Subject Headings Open Context References: Landscape archaeology |
Suggested Citation
David K. Pettegrew, Timothy E Gregory, Daniel J Pullen, Richard Rothaus, Thomas F Tartaron. (2021) "DU 525 from Europe/Greece/Corinthia/EKAS Region/Xylokeriza". In The Eastern Korinthia Archaeological Survey. David K. Pettegrew, Timothy E Gregory, Daniel J Pullen, Richard Rothaus, Thomas F Tartaron (Ed). Released: 2021-06-04. Open Context. <> ARK (Archive):
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