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Stage Description Subterranean canalization system and ground channels installed into the prepared bedrock surface beneath the temple.
Top (m) Opening: 905.253 m.
Definition Channel 1
Phase I
Description The channel is carved into a series of large sandstone blocks (averaging 0.58 m, perhaps bedrock, which abut lengthwise and are sealed together with the watertight, ashy gray mortar. The channel is square-cut, with both depth and width of cut varying between 0.10 and 0.12 m. Channel 1 passes above the west canalization branch, the cut into a sandstone “bridge” (the sandstone block set into the west canalization branch (see Sondage 1). Channel 1 passes under the south wall and through the bedrock foundation. Due to physical and temporal constraints, the channel’s extent beneath the wall was only investigated to a length of ca. 0.35 m. A test trench was dropped adjacent to the north wall to locate the northern extent of Channel 1. Indeed, the channel continues beneath the wall much in the same way as in the south, with the channel cut through the foundation bedrock. Its total north south length is 7.56 m. The channel is lined to a height of .05 m with gray, watertight mortar (0.15 m thick), which is curved in order to accommodate a lead piping system (see Locus 31). Originally, the channel piping was completely enclosed in watertight mortar, which appears to have been removed in antiquity to access the piping. The lower curve of the mortar is continuous along the length of the room and is all that remains after the piping’s removal. The rough, shoddy fill of plaster and mortar of Locus 26 was placed directly within the exposed channel in order to level off the tops of the sandstone blocks.
Location Directly west of the main canalization passage, beginning in the southwest. It extends the entire north south length of the trench.
Stage Stage 1
Bottom (m) Closing: 905.153 m.
Phase Description Phase I: Preparation: 1st c. BCE subterranean canalization is installed and the bedrock leveled with a coarse yellow soil.
Architectural or Soil Locus? Architectural
Suggested Citation

Martha Sharp Joukowsky. (2007) "Locus 27 from Asia/Jordan/Petra Great Temple/Temple/Trench 57". In Petra Great Temple Excavations. Martha Sharp Joukowsky (Ed). Released: 2007-11-11. Open Context. <> ARK (Archive):

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