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Descriptive Attribute Value(s)
Type vessel
Title clay pot
Site Construction zone of the "Platonivska" irrigation system in the Antratsytiv (now Rovenkivskyi) district of the Luhansk region. 2 km to the east of the village Klunikovo. Infant burial of Zrubna culture №3, mound №5.
Excavation Unit mound №5
Stratigraphic Unit burial №3
Context burial of Zrubna culture
Material clay
Height (cm) 11.8
Width (cm) 17.5
Thickness (cm) 0.5
Weight (kg) 0.805
Date 1982
Description Flat-bottomed handmade vessel. Ornamented with shaded rectangles of cord imprints in the upper part of the vessel.
Commentary -
Bibliography Bondar N.N., Antonenko B.A., Pioro I.S., Samoilenko L.G. 1983. Report on the work of the contractual archaeological expedition of the Kyiv State University in the areas of construction of irrigation systems in the Voroshilovgrad region in 1982. Scientific archive of the Institute of Archeology of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. Expeditions Fond. Archive №1982/131_2061. Typescript in russian. Kyiv. 88 p. [Бондарь Н.Н., Антоненко Б.А., Пиоро И.С., Самойленко Л.Г. 1983. Отчет о работе хоздоговорной археологической экспедиции Киевского Государственного Университета в зонах строительства оросительных систем Ворошиловградской обласи в 1982 г. Науковий архів Інституту археології НАН УКРАЇНИ. Фонд експедицій. Справа №1982/131_2061. Машинопис російською мовою. Київ. 88 с.]
Chronological attribution 1600 BCE – 1200 BCE
Museum No. Plat_82_k_5_p_3
ID object / collection number knum003_21_Plat_82_k_5_p_3
Model knum003_21
Suggested Citation

Dmytro Nykonenko, Simon Radchenko, Anatolii Volkov, Semen Prokopenko, Tymofii Hordiienko, Yevhenii Pohribniy. (2025) "Object knum003-21-Plat-82-k-5-p-3 from Europe/Ukraine/"Platonivska" irrigation system (Antratsytiv, Rovenkivskyi district of the Luhansk region)". In Under the Shelling: Digital 3D Protection of the Ukrainian Bronze Age: Archaeological Museum of the Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv. Dmytro Nykonenko, Simon Radchenko, Anatolii Volkov, Semen Prokopenko, Tymofii Hordiienko, Yevhenii Pohribniy (Ed). Released: In prep. Open Context. <> ARK (Archive):

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