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Descriptive Attribute Value(s)
Quantity 1
Type (code) -2
Shape Type Name-1 Unspecified or unrecognized shape
Shape Type Description Unspecified shape or untyped shape. THIS IS NOT AN OPEN CATEGORY. Zero has meaning.
Fabric Type Name-1 Fabric 20=fabric B
Fabric Type Summary CALC GRIT Chaff
Fabric Type Description (Fabric 20) [distinction from fabric 21/C: almost no large grits] usually medium-to-high fired; medium weight, medium-well levigated, , fairly fine grained matrix. Some voids, largely very fine grits and some very fine mica. Untreated fabric on exterior s
Fabric Type Period Middle Bronze Age
Surface Type Name Fingernail impressed lines or registers (not covering broader areas as in type variable 2196)
Surface Type Description Single lines of fingernail crescentic impressions sometimes in registers delineated by lines, or simply as lines of impressions. Occasionally appears with a single incised wavy line between lines of fingernails (this last option is rare as of 2003). Fai
Surface Type Period ? possible EBA-Chalco
Has note An Item (Object) is a single object contained within a finds bag. Item numbers are assigned to finds that have been removed from a finds bag for further analysis. For example, a ceramic sherd that was removed from a finds bag to be drawn and/or photographed was given an item number. Similarly, a particular bone or lithic that was removed from a finds bag for further analysis was given an item number and was subsequently identified by that item number. Most small finds were assigned item number "1," since they were usually the only item in their finds bag.
Suggested Citation

Jason Kennedy, Lynn Swartz Dodd, Bradley J. Parker. (2012) "Sherd Group - from Asia/Turkey/Kenan Tepe/Area D/Trench 6/Locus 31/Finds Bag 10". In Kenan Tepe. Bradley Parker, Peter Cobb (Ed). Released: 2012-03-28. Open Context. <> ARK (Archive):

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