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Summary Tumble of architectural fall in northern section of the area between walls 7011_f1 and 7011_f2.

Dry sieve.

Other find bag: Charcoal, metal nail, 3 tile, glass
Date Excavated 2009-06-06
Min Elevation 7.52
Max Elevation 7.73
Description SU 7018 contains architectural fall debris beneath SU 7016. It consists of soft fine-grained light brown soil among between large stones (some cut masonry and some un-hewn) that range in size from cobble-boulder with many fragments of mortar and few tile fragments. This fall lens extends from the southeast to the northeast and appears to have damaged the upper courses of wall 7011_f1. The stones and debris removed within SU 7018 reveal that the upper-most stone courses appears to have lid to the northwest, away from the top of the wall 7011_f1. On top of the wall, beneath this loose lens is a very compact tan-colored soil with small white flecks that adheres very well to the top exposed course of wall 7011_f1. [7018p5 showing detail of fall line]

SU 7018 pulls away from another lens/layer of architectural fall between N-S running walls 7011_f1 and 7011_f2, to be excavated in SU 7020. This clay0like very hard soil was likely used within the constructing the upper causes, perhaps in a repair stage. It seems also to be associated with the very white mortar that appears around wall stub/jams 7026_f1 and on top of stone jumble north of door stub/jamb, which was excavated in SU 7026.

Top Level
W: 8 (on wall)
C: 7.67
E: 7.83

Bottom Level
N: 7.94 (on wall), 7.52
C: 7.58
S: 7.75
Munsell 2.5Y 7/4
Texture Silty Clay Loam
Consolidation Fine-grained Sediment: Soft
Stoniness 80
Dominant Clast Cobble
Field Illustration 7018
Field Photo 7018-p1-top
Field Photo 7018-p2-top
Suggested Citation

David K. Pettegrew, William R. Caraher, R. Scott Moore. (2019) "SU-7018 from Europe/Cyprus/PKAP Survey Area/Koutsopetria/EU-12". In Pyla-Koutsopetria Archaeological Project II: Geophysics and Excavation. David K. Pettegrew, William R. Caraher, R. Scott Moore (Ed). Released: 2019-12-04. Open Context. <> ARK (Archive):

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