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Collection-Unit 9231
Materials-Observed Tombs
Interpretation Cemetery
Name Yiriza - Mycenaean Chamber Tombs
Period, Summary Mycenaean
Topo-Map 63577
Toponym Yiriza
Northing 4197439.0
Easting 669419.0
Toponym Secondary Gonia
Investigation-Methods DU Survey, Recorded
Elevation 64.0
Area 3293.0
Description Mycenaean chamber tomb cemetery discovered in 1979 during illicit excavation, located in "saddle" between Gonia and Yiriza hills. Much of the ridge that contained the chamber tombs has been cut back by bulldozer, so that the dromoi have been destroyed and what remains are the chambers with tunnels linking them. Some heavily encrusted Mycenaean pottery was found among the tombs and on the ground below and outside of them. Otherwise, there was mainly historical material in DU 1638. Chamber tombs are cut into soft white marl. LOCA situated to left of North-South asphalt road that comes from Examilia, then takes a steep drop and passes close to Ayios Athansios church. Immediately after the drop, the scarp where the chamber tombs are located is on the left, and a few tens of meters beyond, on the right, is the path that leads to Ayios Athanasios.
Toponymn (Linked)
Period (Linked) Late Bronze Age
Descriptive Attribute Value(s)
Vocabulary: DCMI Metadata Terms (Dublin Core Terms)
Suggested Citation

David K. Pettegrew, Timothy E Gregory, Daniel J Pullen, Richard Rothaus, Thomas F Tartaron. (2021) "LOCA 9231 from Europe/Greece/Corinthia/EKAS Region/Yiriza". In The Eastern Korinthia Archaeological Survey. David K. Pettegrew, Timothy E Gregory, Daniel J Pullen, Richard Rothaus, Thomas F Tartaron (Ed). Released: 2021-06-04. Open Context. <> ARK (Archive):

50 m
100 ft
Leaflet Map data: ©, Map data: ©
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