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Descriptive Attribute Value(s)
Recording Fully recorded
Year 2005
Description small unit, one burnt bone. Wear light to moderate. Mainly medium sheep size. Fill of pit (1). Above unit 11852.
Recorded By (initials) HB
Recorded By (name) Hijlke Buitenhuis
Date Recorded 2005-07-26
Has note
The unique identifier for each contextual unit, matching those used in the central Çatalhöyük excavation database and in publications. The excavation uses single-context recording.
Suggested Citation

Hijlke Buitenhuis. (2013) "Unit 11850 from Asia/Turkey/Çatalhöyük/Mound East/Area IST". In Çatalhöyük Zooarchaeology. Louise Martin, David Orton, Katheryn Twiss, Nerissa Russell, Sheelagh Frame (Ed). Released: 2013-08-11. Open Context. <> ARK (Archive):

Editorial Status
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Required Attribution: Citation and reference of URIs (hyperlinks)