project banner image
Photo 3652E
Photo 3652I
Descriptive Attribute Value(s)
AIA 3652
Sample Type Pottery
Weight (grams) 1.876
As 17.0
Ba 680.0
Ca 5.1
Ce 64.0
Co 21.0
Cr 344.0
Cs 8.3
Eu 1.1
Fe 3.34
Hf 6.4
K 2.2
La 33.2
Lu 0.39
Na 1.1
Nd 22.0
Rb 87.0
Sb 1.8
Sc 12.0
Sm 5.65
Ta 0.6
Tb 0.6
Th 11.0
U 1.9
Yb 2.6
Zn 77.0
Descriptive Attribute Value(s)
Excavation Year 1986
Sector (Trench) SEBF11
East-West Coordinate 680-681
North-South Coordinate 344.5-346
Basket # 28
Field Book Reference I 51
NAA Analysed Yes
Form bowl
Form details bowl rim
Vessel Part rim
Decoration interior black slip, exterior 'sheen'
Rim shape flared
Ware grey
Editorial Note

Note: These reflect preliminary (draft) descriptions. After initial publication of these data, Archaeological Exploration of Sardis data curators provided updated and enhanced context and catalog information that aligns with the Sardis project database.

Descriptive Attribute Value(s)
Note about Sardis Expedition Descriptions
Note: Archaeological Exploration of Sardis data curators provided these additional context and catalog information. This supplemental information provides more current and definitive general descriptive and contextual information about the pottery samples, because it is based on more recent updates to the Sardis project excavation and catalog databases.
New Simple Decoration sheen
Form (Sardis Project) bowl
Sector ByzFort
East-West Coordinate E680-681
North-South Coordinate S344.5-346
Excavation Date 1986-06-27
Elevation 192.7-192.5
Fieldbook ByzFort 86.11 I: 51
Vessel Part rim
Decoration metallic 'sheen' exterior ; dark slip interior
Other info Basket 28; uninventoried
Descriptive Attribute Value(s)
Spatial Coverage
Vocabulary: DCMI Metadata Terms (Dublin Core Terms)
Vocabulary: DCMI Metadata Terms (Dublin Core Terms)
Temporal Coverage
Vocabulary: DCMI Metadata Terms (Dublin Core Terms)
Vocabulary: DCMI Metadata Terms (Dublin Core Terms)
Vocabulary: DCMI Metadata Terms (Dublin Core Terms)
Suggested Citation

Lisa Kealhofer, Peter Grave, Ben Marsh. (2017) "Record 3652 from Asia/Turkey/Sardis". In Differentiating local from nonlocal ceramic production at Iron Age Sardis using NAA. Lisa Kealhofer, Peter Grave, Ben Marsh (Ed). Released: 2017-09-04. Open Context. <> ARK (Archive):

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While this content is in the public domain, please appropriately cite the contributors and Open Context