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The Hotel Indigo Project is a commercial project located in the East Village neighborhood of downtown San Diego, California. The project occupies the southwest quarter of Horton's Addition Block 100, which today is bounded by Ninth Avenue on the west, Market Street on the north, Island Street on the south, and Tenth Avenue on the east. Because of the historic nature of the area, the Centre City Development Corporation (CCDC) of San Diego required mitigation measures and mitigation monitoring requirements that were set forth in the Environmental Secondary Study for this project. The requirements include monitoring of all excavation and grading activities associated with the development project, and a testing and significance evaluation program should historic or prehistoric resources be encountered at any time during the investigation. As defined in Public Resources Code 21083.2, mitigation measures would be required for any resources found to be significant. In the case of the Hotel Indigo Project, if necessary, mitigation would be accomplished through data recovery. The monitoring of the Hotel Indigo Project extended from January 8 to February 12, 2008. The archaeological work was comprised of monitoring, excavation and testing, laboratory analysis, and archival research. Historic remains identified within the project included one artifact scatter and isolated artifacts retrieved from two separate spoil piles, which originated from graded soil from three complete lots and the southern 20-foot-by-100-foot portion of an additional lot. No prehistoric resources were identified. Since the resources were identified throughout the project area, the historic resources were recorded as a single site covering the southwest quarter of Block 100. The site was recorded at the South Coastal Information Center (SCIC), and given the permanent trinomial of SDI-18,997 (Appendix I). Testing and evaluation of these historic resources resulted in a finding of no significance for any cultural material according to California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) criteria as defined in Section 15064.5 and City of San Diego Historic Resources criteria. Based on the small and shallow nature of the artifact scatter, degree of disturbance to all cultural resources encountered, and lack of future research potential, all cultural resources were determined to be not significant. Because total destruction was planned for all resources, full mitigation of impacts to possibly significant historic resources was the goal of the field investigation. Documentation and artifact collection, followed by processing of this material in the laboratory and curation within a qualified facility, exhausted the research potential of all resources. Potential adverse impacts to these resources were mitigated through the mitigation monitoring program, and no further cultural concerns are required. No limitations or constraints were encountered during the investigation. A representative sample of the recovered archaeological specimens and a copy of this final report will be permanently curated at the San Diego Archaeological Center (SDAC). A The Hotel Indigo Project copy of all field notes and photographs related to this project will accompany the curated material. |
Suggested Citation
Open Context Staff. (2010) "SDAC 428 from Americas/United States/California". In Open Context. Open Context Staff (Ed). Released: 2010-02-22. Open Context. <> ARK (Archive):
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