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Descriptive Attribute Value(s)
Culture Mousterian
Sample No. HAY-97-141
Square F25d
Original (X,Y,Z) X:90 Y:95 Z:-310
Field Description cemented hearth in ‘breccia’ area. Ashes here have abundant red balls, much lass tan in interior. Overlying ashes are softer pink [ ] calcareous ashy sediments, with many fine pores. Looks like reworked hearth debris, partly undergoing decalcification
Added Comment [NB. this sediment was covered by modern goat shit]. So, this area overall looks like locally cemented hearths in trampled hearth debris. Could also be dump or terrier. Bones oriented in several directions suggesting terrier or dump.
Additional Notes Adjacent sample collected for U-series dating of ash.
Suggested Citation

Paul Goldberg. (2006) "Sample: HAY-97-141 from Asia/Israel/Hayonim/Square: F25d". In Hayonim: Micromorphology. Paul Goldberg (Ed). Released: 2006-04-05. Open Context. <> ARK (Archive):

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