Descriptive Attribute | Value(s) |
Discovery-Unit ID | 1618 |
Class | Standard |
Date | 2000-07-10 |
Topo-Map | 63577 |
Toponym | Boulberi |
Toponym-Alt | Kromna |
Northing | 4197349.0 |
Easting | 671246.0 |
Elevation | 89.0 |
Area | 4953.0 |
Description | Long thin olive grove just South of the dirt road. |
MBG-Length | 143.0 |
MBG-Width | 45.0 |
Toponymn (Linked) |
Descriptive Attribute | Value(s) |
Discovery-Unit ID | 1618 |
Geomorph Unit | 2301 |
Land Cover, Coniferous-Forest | False |
Land Cover, Evergreen-Forest | False |
Land Cover, Maquis | False |
Land Cover, Phrygana | False |
Land Cover, Deciduous | False |
Land Cover, Pseudo-Steppe | False |
Land Cover, Chasmophyte | False |
Land Cover, Coastal | False |
Land Cover, Other | False |
Land Cover, Weeds | True |
Land Cover, Grain | False |
Land Cover, Grain-Stubble | False |
Land Cover, Kalamboki | False |
Land Cover, Small-Leafed-Crops | False |
Land Cover, Broad-Leafed-Crops | False |
Land Cover, Other-Crops | False |
Land Cover, Grapes | False |
Land Cover, Almonds | True |
Land Cover, Apricot | False |
Land Cover, Citrus | False |
Land Cover, Olives | True |
Olive Circumference Minimum | 30.0 |
Olive Circumference Maximum | 90.0 |
Land Cover, Other-Orchard | False |
Land Cover Comments | Light straw covering throughout the grove |
Descriptive Attribute | Value(s) |
Soil-Plowed | True |
Soil-Compaction | Loose |
Sherd-Crusting | Light |
Clast | Rock-Organic |
Clast-Size | FineGravel |
Disturbance | Heavy |
Irrigation | None |
Percent-Visible | 90.0 |
Land use, Residential | False |
Land use, Agricultural | True |
Land use, Res-Agr | False |
Land use, Recreational | False |
Land use, Comm-Serv | False |
Land use, Transportation | False |
Land use, Quarry | False |
Land use, Dump | False |
Land use, Other | False |
Land use, None | False |
Land use, Comments | Well-maintained younger olive grove |
Descriptive Attribute | Value(s) |
Discovery-Unit ID | 1618 |
Agricultural, Terrace | Modern feature |
Special Purpose, Pit | Modern feature |
Comments (Features) | The bulldozed terrace is on the southern boundary for about 50 m EW. A little bit after the bulldozed terrace begins continuing to the East. There are places where the bedrock is exposed upon which the terrace wall is built. The wall is about 1.3 m. high. For the most part its composed of field stones, though some sherds and tile could be seen. Two pits near eastern boundary appear to be made by a backhoe. Not obvious the reasoning behind the making of the pits. |
Descriptive Attribute | Value(s) |
Vocabulary: DCMI Metadata Terms (Dublin Core Terms) |
Descriptive Attribute | Value(s) |
Vocabulary: DCMI Metadata Terms (Dublin Core Terms) |
Vocabulary: DCMI Metadata Terms (Dublin Core Terms) |
Landscape archaeology
Vocabulary: Library of Congress Subject Headings Open Context References: Landscape archaeology |
Suggested Citation
David K. Pettegrew, Timothy E Gregory, Daniel J Pullen, Richard Rothaus, Thomas F Tartaron. (2021) "DU 1618 from Europe/Greece/Corinthia/EKAS Region/Boulberi". In The Eastern Korinthia Archaeological Survey. David K. Pettegrew, Timothy E Gregory, Daniel J Pullen, Richard Rothaus, Thomas F Tartaron (Ed). Released: 2021-06-04. Open Context. <> ARK (Archive):
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