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Monument ID 15
Publication Citation Hoernes 1880-Bulić1885
Date Found or Published 1880
Monument Type titulus
Monument Of Seventh Legion yes
Inscription L(ucius) Domitius L(uci) f(ilius) A(iensi) / Aquila vet(eranus) leg(ionis) VII / domo Myliada / stip(endiorum) XXXIII vi(vus) fe[c(it)] sib(i) / et C(aio) Domitio [L(uci) f(ilio)] A[n(iensi)] / [A]qui[l]ino mil(iti) [le]g(ionis) V[II] / stip(endiorum) XX h(onesta) m(issione) [m(isso) ---] / [------] / [------] / [---]A[---] / [---]V[---] fecit
Translation Lucius Domitius Aquila, son of Lucius, of the Aniensis tribe, a veteran of the 7th legion, from the city of Mylias, who served for 33 years, in his lifetime erected this for himself and Gaius Domitius Aquilinus, son of Lucius, of the Aniensis tribe, a soldier of the 7th legion, who served for 20 years, honourably discharged.
Translation Source Coopey, edit of Tončinić 2011
Lower Field Decoration undecorated
Portrait no portrait
Frieze no frieze
Date From 7
Date To 42
Tončinić 2011 Stelae Type tituli
ModernHolding Secondary use
MonumentNote very damaged in the bottom half of the epitaph
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Suggested Citation

Ewan Coopey, Brian Ballsun-Stanton. (2025) "Monument 15 from Europe/Bosnia and Herzegovina/Filovača". In Community and Identity in the Roman Seventh Legion. Ewan Coopey, Brian Ballsun-Stanton (Ed). Released: In prep. Open Context. <>

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