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Descriptive Attribute Value(s)
Fabric Category Impasto
Object Type Vessel
Decorative Technique Molded
Vessel Form Form unspecified
Fragment Noted true
Object Type (notes) Impasto Double-Handle Fragment with Finial
Size Max. Pres. Height 0.0755 m, Max. Pres. Width of Finial 0.056 m, Average Pres. Thickness of Finial 0.006 m
Condition Glued together from two fragments. Preserves upper portion of a double-handle and large part of a finial with molded decoration. Surface is in poor condition, flaked and very porous.
Description A fragment from a impasto double-handle, which preserves a large, flat finial, which when viewed from the decorated side is missing the upper left hand quarter. Its lower section is rectangular with curved edges, while the upper edge shows a triangular projection at the upper right corner and the remains of a curved top (left side broken off). The molded decoration consists of a floral pattern: from two adjoining spirals spring two stalks, each extending outward to the side of the finial, then turning downward to form its lateral and bottom border, and joining in a round stud below the spirals; between these two stalks a portion of a cone-like stem or bud rises vertically; above the spirals in the area bordered by the stalks is a volute; at the top of the finial along the curving border is another stalk-like ridge from which rays emerge and extend to the edge. The backside of the finial is smooth and undecorated except towards the base where a portion of the outside, looping half of the double-handle is preserved. Below the finial proper is the remains of the inside half of the handle; in this case, its profile is straight.
Fabric Description Impasto. An orange clay with a light brown core, numerous small black and white impurities; fired a dark black on surface, shading to gray and brown towards top of finial. Possibly could be poorly fired bucchero.
Has note
Descriptive Attribute Value(s)
Object Master Grid
EW (x) NS (y) Depth (z) Elev. (z)
165.681 37.937
Local Grid (X) 20.0
Local Grid (Y) L
Suggested Citation

Anthony Tuck. (2012) "PC 19770050 from Europe/Italy/Poggio Civitate/Tesoro/Tesoro 17/1977, ID:69". In Murlo. Anthony Tuck (Ed). Released: 2012-12-28. Open Context. <> ARK (Archive):

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