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Area Name Wall of the Crow North Dead Dog Trench
Description and Bibliography

A number of trenches have been opened around this massive monumental wall that defines the northern edge of the HeG site. WCE (Wall of the Crow East) is an area densely filled with Late Period burials. WCG (Wall of the Crow Gate) was a trench on the south side of the large open gateway through the wall on its western end. WCGN (Wall of the Crow Gate North) was a series of smaller trenches to the north of the gateway. WCN/DDT (Wall of the Crow North/Dead Dog Trench) was a trench on the north side of the wall,38 which happened to contain a number of dead dogs - hence the nickname.39 Much of the work in these areas has been focused on identifying the stratigraphic and geological history of the area,40 and was undertaken in response to modern construction projects associated with the Coptic/Muslim cemetery, which cut into archaeological deposits associated with the Wall of the Crow.

38'Rescue Archaeology. Deep Gouge Offers Clues to a High Wall', ed. by W. Wetterstrom, AERAgram, 8.1 (2006), 9–12.

39Lehner, Kamel, and Tavares, Giza Plateau Mapping Project Season 2005 Preliminary Report, pp. 21–31; Lehner, Kamel, and Tavares, Giza Plateau Mapping Project Seasons 2006-2007 Preliminary Report, pp. 12–17.

40Lehner, Kamel, and Tavares, Giza Plateau Mapping Project Season 2004 Preliminary Report, pp. 45–54; 'Up Against the Wall - the Wall of the Crow', ed. by W. Wetterstrom, AERAgram, 5.1 (2001), 6–8.

Suggested Citation

Claire Malleson, Rebekah Miracle. (2018) "WCN--DDT from Africa/Egypt/Giza/Heit el-Ghurab". In Giza Botanical Database. Claire Malleson, Rebekah Miracle (Ed). Released: 2018-10-22. Open Context. <> ARK (Archive):

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