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Descriptive Attribute Value(s)
Publictation Status Published
Publictation Year 2016
Definition construction cut for wall 1058, construction cut for wall 5146
Formation Process Cutting
Stratigraphic Unit Type Anthropic
Elevation Maximum 62.0
Elevation Minimum 61.0
In Cross Section False
In Elevation Drawing False
Has Photosmodels False
Filled On 2011-07-18
Revised On 2011-07-26
Observations dry, sunny conditions
Position Runs N-S along western edge of area, ends at southern edge.
Shape thin, long, irregular N-S rectangle.
Cut Observations Irregular width disappears near southern edge of road 1400 and reappears further north.
Originally Issued Date 2011-07-18
Originally Filled Date 2011-07-18
Originally Revised Date 2011-07-26
Originally Entered Date 2012-08-01
Originally PDF Date 2011-07-28
Record Revised Date 2016-04-26
  • this SU was defined in 2011, but renamed and redefined in 2012 by Claudia Melisch. With the further excavation of the SUs in Area F on the W side of the wall 1058, this wall was divided into multiple SUs which represent different phases of construction. In this case, 5146

    Laura Banducci

  • Cut 1407 represents the trench fug for the construction of retaining wall 1058. It post-dates road 1400 as indicated by its disruption of the western-most paving blocks.
Interpretation Author Laura Banducci
Interpretation Date 2012-08-01
Suggested Citation

Rachel Opitz, Marcello Mogetta, Nicola Terrenato. (2017) "Unit 1407 from Europe/Italy/Gabii/Area B". In The Gabii Project. Rachel Opitz, Marcello Mogetta, Nicola Terrenato (Ed). Released: 2017-06-04. Open Context. <> ARK (Archive):

Editorial Status
Part of Project
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