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Descriptive Attribute Value(s)
Species Small ruminant (domestic)
Element Name femur
Side left
Day 8
Month 10
Year 88
Date 1988-10-08
Square X12
Level 4.0
Period VIII
Bone # For Each Record 19
Probable Species Ovis aries
Part distal epi.+large frg.
Age (rough) juvenile/subadult
Fusion Proximal: unknown, Distal: unfused
# Of Fragments 1
Weight (of Fragments) 24.0
Class Mammalia
Measurement Certainty all measurements normal
Bd 33.4
GBtr 16.3
GLtr 31.1
Has note
The Open Context editorial staff assigned unique identifiers for each bone specimen record submitted for publication in this project. The identifiers in the field Bone # for each record where not unique within the dataset and were not unique within individual contextual units.
Suggested Citation

Hijlke Buitenhuis. (2013) "Bone 30257 from Asia/Turkey/Ilıpınar/Area 2/Lot 175". In Ilıpınar Zooarchaeology. Hijlke Buitenhuis (Ed). Released: 2013-08-12. Open Context. <> ARK (Archive):

Editorial Status
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Required Attribution: Citation and reference of URIs (hyperlinks)