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Descriptive Attribute Value(s)
Sample No. HAY-00-517
Square H22d
Y (numeric) 86.0
Original (X,Y,Z) X:5 Y:86 Z:-355
Color 5YR 7/2 = pinkish gray
Field Description Crumbly, light weight altered clay with yellow blobs on bottom in reddish silty clay C?) (pink – 5YR7/4] overlain by dark apatite concretions in upper part. TRIR should be able to document mineralogical changes and their related sequences. Variscite? Upperpart
Suggested Citation

Paul Goldberg. (2006) "Sample: HAY-00-517 from Asia/Israel/Hayonim/Square: H22d". In Hayonim: Micromorphology. Paul Goldberg (Ed). Released: 2006-04-05. Open Context. <> ARK (Archive):

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