Descriptive Attribute | Value(s) |
Location | Excavated in area between south wall, east wall, north boundary of sondage, and east wall of canal. |
Architectural or Soil Locus? | Soil |
Top (m) | Opening Levels: 904.851 m. |
Bottom (m) | Closing Levels: Unknown. |
Underlies | Loci 20, 3, 1. |
Overlies | Unknown. |
Stage | Stage 2 |
Phase | I |
Stage Description | Leveling platform constructed over the foundation fill and canalization cut into the platform/fill. |
Phase Description | Phase I: Preparation: 1st c. BCE subterranean canalization is installed and the bedrock leveled with a coarse yellow soil. |
Combined with | None. |
Definition | Platform Fill |
Description | Locus 22 comprises the fill of the platform that was built up to support the walls of the East Chamber and hold the canal in the room. This locus contains medium-to-large-size rough hewn sandstone blocks and a loose, sandy soil (Munsell 5YR 4/4). The major differences between it and the overlying Locus 20 are the change in soil consistency and the fact that while the stones are layered, they are generally larger in size and not as tightly packed. |
Suggested Citation
Martha Sharp Joukowsky. (2007) "Locus 22 from Asia/Jordan/Petra Great Temple/Temple/Trench 55A". In Petra Great Temple Excavations. Martha Sharp Joukowsky (Ed). Released: 2007-11-11. Open Context. <> ARK (Archive):
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