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Descriptive Attribute Value(s)
Hodder Level Designation(s) TRENCH 7.CHALCOLITHIC
Recording Assessed:4
Year 2007
Description This is described as a ‘midden cluster’… ‘cluster of ceramics, pot sherds and faunal material’. It is overlain by 15133, of which no record exists in the central database, and represents the limit of excavation in this part of T7. The faunal sample is very small (~30 specimens) and appears to derive from at least two sources. The bulk of the material is caprine or caprine-sized, reddish yellow and in fairly good condition (‘slight weathering’), including left and right sheep scapulae (probably not paired), two right caprine innominates and a fragment of a left, a caprine phalanx and about 10 long bone pieces. The scapulae and innominates are especially similar in condition and appearance, while the scrap shows considerable variation. Four cattle-sized scrap specimens stand out very clearly from the sheep-sized material, being moderately weathered and a much darker brown colour. Finally, there is a piece of human cranium in good condition, with a large recent break demonstrating incomplete bone recovery in the unit. It would be something of a stretch to describe a unit of this size as a midden, although there is clearly evidence of multiple taphonomic histories and hence secondary deposition. On the other hand, the scapulae and innominates give the unit some integrity, and may well originate from a single event. DZ count: O/C: 3.5
Recorded By (initials) DCO
Recorded By (name) David Orton
Date Recorded 2008-08-05
Has note
The unique identifier for each contextual unit, matching those used in the central Çatalhöyük excavation database and in publications. The excavation uses single-context recording.
Suggested Citation

David Orton. (2013) "Unit 15135 from Asia/Turkey/Çatalhöyük/Mound West/Trench 7". In Çatalhöyük Zooarchaeology. Louise Martin, David Orton, Katheryn Twiss, Nerissa Russell, Sheelagh Frame (Ed). Released: 2013-08-16. Open Context. <> ARK (Archive):

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