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Image Preview: 19970184a.JPG
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Descriptive Attribute Value(s)
Title Coil-made Rim Fragments
Primary photo False
Photo Type Cataloged Artifact
Photo ID 7587
Album ID 0
Description The fragment preserves portions of a rim and body of a coil-made vessel. The rim, although badly damaged, is shallow and slightly rounded at the edge. The rim meets the body in a slight indentation. The body itself is very shallowly curved.
Descriptive Attribute Value(s)
Vocabulary: DCMI Metadata Terms (Dublin Core Terms)
Hope Greene info
Vocabulary: Murlo
Vocabulary: DCMI Metadata Terms (Dublin Core Terms)
Vocabulary: DCMI Metadata Terms (Dublin Core Terms)
Iron age info
Vocabulary: Library of Congress Subject Headings
Open Context References: Iron age hub
Temporal Coverage
Vocabulary: DCMI Metadata Terms (Dublin Core Terms)
Vocabulary: DCMI Metadata Terms (Dublin Core Terms)
Anthony Tuck info
Vocabulary: Murlo
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Suggested Citation

Hope Greene. (2012) "19970184a.JPG from Europe/Italy/Poggio Civitate/Civitate A/Civitate A 41/1997, ID:352/PC 19970184". In Murlo. Anthony Tuck (Ed). Released: 2012-12-28. Open Context. <> ARK (Archive):

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Required Attribution: Citation and reference of URIs (hyperlinks)