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Image Preview: Abu Hureyra, Small Finds (1973: D,E,G) [Seq:076]
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Path /8 Excavation Notebooks/Abu Hureyra notebook records/Small Finds 1973_D_E_G/Small Finds_1973_E2_Serial #_477-510.pdf
Book Title Abu Hureyra, Small Finds (1973: D,E,G)
Editorial Note Open Context editors interpreted the directory names and the filenames of the scanned notebook pages to inform organization in a sequential order. However, this process was uncertain. The sequence of scanned pages presented here may not correspond to the original page sequence of the scanned notebooks.
Year 1973
Original filename Small Finds_1973_E2_Serial #_477-510.pdf
Open Context revised filename small-finds-1973-e2-serial-477-510.pdf
Abu Hureyra, Small Finds (1973: D,E,G) [Seq:075]
Abu Hureyra, Small Finds (1973: D,E,G) [Seq:077]
Abu Hureyra, Small Finds (1973: D,E,G)
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Suggested Citation

Andrew Moore, Gordon Hillman, Anthony Legge. (2024) "Abu Hureyra, Small Finds (1973: D,E,G) [Seq:076] from Asia/Syria/Abu Hureyra". In Abu Hureyra Digital Data Archive. Andrew Moore, Gordon Hillman, Anthony Legge (Ed). Released: In prep. Open Context. <> ARK (Archive):

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