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Image Preview: 19740037_2009_001.jpg
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Title Decorated Cut-Out Vessel Fragment
Primary photo False
Photo Type Cataloged Artifact
Photo ID 25426
Album ID 0
Description Decorated cut-out vessel preserving three pieces, two of which join. At top of fragment (main fragment) are two box-like protrusions, worn. Below is a slightly diagonal decoration in relief, extending across the width of the fragment. Below this extended two cut out protrusions, both broken and of different widths (longer one 0.017 m wide, shorter 0.022 m), but both are rectangular and flat in shape with smooth sides. The third piece, which does not join, is similar in shape to the cut-out extensions, except it is wider, being 0.028 meters in width.
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Suggested Citation

Anthony Tuck. (2012) "19740037_2009_001.jpg from Europe/Italy/Poggio Civitate/Tesoro Rectangle/Tesoro Rectangle 6,7 Doorway/1974, ID:285/PC 19740037". In Murlo. Anthony Tuck (Ed). Released: 2012-12-28. Open Context. <> ARK (Archive):

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