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Aug 9, 2000

Locus 1002 Since we did not finish Locus 1002, our purpose for today was to bash Locus 1002 and start working on Locus 1003, which will be a flat surface!  We took the South East portion of the locus and proceed to Northern portion of the locus. Today, my two workers were somewhat slacking. Perhaps, I should make them work more, or get a new worker. Anyway, I cleared the possible wall. The soil around the wall seemed lettle compacted than around the area, but as we clearing the Locus 1002, it tirned out that the whole SW section of the Locus was somewhat compacted. Also, Deeper part of the Locus were compacted. It seems to be just a variation in the soil (from erosion?). Does not seems to represent any definate cultural levels; no boundary of soil variation, just gradual change. I think (and also Bradley) that this layer is just disturbed sub-topsoil. Although the pile of rocks seems to be in line, only a small section of them are in my trench. If I could dug into the balk, I could know this structure better. The wall was made from piling up the rocks, smaller and round rocks on bottom, and flat and bigger rocks on top. Smaller rocks is about 15 cm in diameter, and larger rocks is about 20 - 30 cm in diameter and app 10 cm thick. Only one pot sherds were discovered while destroying the wall. Since we have a photo, it should be OK to destroy this wall. It seems that Phill got a similar structure in his trench. The wall was about 15 cm in height, and 25 cm wide. The front seems to round up a bit, but several rocks that I found around this structure is probably a fallen rocks from the wall, so the actual shape of this is in mystery. After excavating few levels, we will know more about this wall by looking at the section. Speaking about section, when I was strightening the section, a balk right below a rock seemed somewhat softer and had a brownish color. Near the end of excavating this Locus, I found small pile of rocks sticking out from the North balk (again too close to the balk). This structure was near the ending surface of Locus 1002, so only few rocks are exposed. There seems to be no large rocks are used, but only a pile of round rocks. We will excavate around this structure? tomorrow as Locus 1003 and see the extent of this possible pile of rocks. Other than what I mentioned above, there were no interesting feature from this Locus. I put my workers to stright the balk, since I had a terrible balk. Now the balk looks good. Actually, ihsan is good at making stright wall.  We found some sherds while cleaning the balk. I had them put in one place, but it seems like workers took them up to the dolmush. I can not find them... I hope it is not mixed with other pot-sherds. I did not had any tag or bag for those sherds. It was my mistake to leave them out. This Locus was kind of unproductive; I found less materials than Locus 1001. There were no grind-stone and pile of small finds from this locus. I found few shells, and possible? Ninevh 5 base. The shape of the base seems to be N5, and color is light-greenish, and it is thin and well fired. I want the result of pottery reading soon, if I could get them.

Locus 1003 After cleaning the surface and cleaning the balk, we started out bashing the surface of Locus 1003, from the North East corner. I told them to bash the entire trench for 25 cm. But they only took 10 cm or so. It was close to the end of the day, so what I can do. Once again, this locus 1003 is the first time that we leveled the entire trench. We will dig this 4 m x 4 m, flat surface tomorrow. I wish something happens tomorrow.   

Descriptive Attribute Value(s)
Date 2000-08-09
Year 2000
Has note The purpose of the daily journal was to record the activities taking place in a trench each day. This included which loci were excavated, how and why loci were excavated and the ongoing impressions of the relationships among loci. It should be noted that journals record the actions, impressions and ideas of trench supervisors during the excavations. They are not, therefore, the final interpretations or syntheses of the emerging data.
Suggested Citation

Randy Sasaki. (2012) "D-1-2000-08-09 from Asia/Turkey/Kenan Tepe/Area D/Trench 1/Locus 1002". In Kenan Tepe. Bradley Parker, Peter Cobb (Ed). Released: 2012-03-28. Open Context. <> ARK (Archive):

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