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Daily Log

June 20, 1989


A 20cm. cut was completed in meters H-I/68-70, extending the depth of the trench in this area from ca. 55 to 90cm. to ca.75 to 110cm.  The soil in the cut was dark brown in color and contained a large amount of small rocks, and some small chunkc of carbonized wood.  The rock pack in meters F-G/68-70 appears to taper off at a point roughly between meters G-H/68-70, gradually diminishing in concentration and changing from larger to smaller rocks.  One quarter of a box of worn impasto pottery and three quarters of a cassetta of badly weathered pieces of tile were recovered.

A second 20cm. cut was then begun in meters I-68-70 to a depth of ca. 150cm.  The soil remained dark brown in color and contained a few small rocks.  Four small pieces of weathered tile were found in the cut.  No pottery was recovered.


The 20cm. cut begun this monring in H-I/68-70 was completed, extending the depth of the trench in these meters to 95cm. to 130cm.  The soil was drak brown in colro and contained many small rocks and some carbon chunks.  Beginning at a depth of ca. 90cm to 120cm., several pockets of grey soil appeared amidst the dark brown soil in meters H/68-71.  Several large pieces of burned tile were discovered in the grey soil.  One quarter of a box of worn impasto pottery and one cassetta of worn tile, including several burned pieces, were recovered.

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Vocabulary: DCMI Metadata Terms (Dublin Core Terms)
JB II info
Vocabulary: Murlo
Descriptive Attribute Value(s)
Vocabulary: DCMI Metadata Terms (Dublin Core Terms)
Jon Berkin info
Vocabulary: Murlo
Vocabulary: DCMI Metadata Terms (Dublin Core Terms)
Vocabulary: DCMI Metadata Terms (Dublin Core Terms)
Iron age info
Vocabulary: Library of Congress Subject Headings
Open Context References: Iron age hub
Temporal Coverage
Vocabulary: DCMI Metadata Terms (Dublin Core Terms)
Vocabulary: DCMI Metadata Terms (Dublin Core Terms)
Anthony Tuck info
Vocabulary: Murlo
Suggested Citation

Jon Berkin. (2017) "JB II (1989-06-20):43-47; Daily Log from Europe/Italy/Poggio Civitate/Tesoro/Tesoro 27/1990, ID:146". In Murlo. Anthony Tuck (Ed). Released: 2017-10-04. Open Context. <> ARK (Archive):

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