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Daily Logs
12 th July 2013
Work began defining the rocks in CA 79 ( Locus 6 ) extension. Mini-picks and trowels were used. The soil is becoming yellow in parts. Some small rocks and decaying stone is present in most areas also.
Find # 1
Bucchero Pottery Fragment
26.60m A.E.
As the rock feature was defined and the soil changed to a lighter colour it was decided to close Locus 6 and Open Locus 7 . Closing Elevations were taken. Photos will be taken on Tuesday 16 th July.
Closing elevations Locus 6 / Opening Locus 7 (Extension co-ordinates)
N.W. 26.60m A.E.
N.E. 26.60m A.E.
S.E. 26.57m A.E.
S.W. 26.54m A.E.
Locus 7 consists of a linear rock feature in the centre of CA79's extension. Soul surrounding the feature is yellow in colour, chalky/flaky in texture.
Supplemental Find #1
Crucible Fragments
Work re-commenced in Locus 3 (original trench) to bring it to the level of the extension.
Find #2 Iron point
26.89m A.E.
Find #3
26.74m A.E.
Excavation concentrated in the eastern part of the trench. The soil was a medium brown with a few inclusions of carbon. Some tile (worn) was discovered along with pottery, bone and slag.
Pottery 47 (9 from sieve)
Bone 3
Tile 1/8 th bowl
Pottery 68 (12 from sieve)
Bone 13 (1 from sieve)
Tile 1 bowl
Slag 3
Closing Elevations Locus 3
N.W. 103cm B.D.
N.E. 112cm B.D.
S.E. 112cm B.D.
S.W. 110cm B.D.
Descriptive Attribute | Value(s) |
Document Type | Trench Book Entry |
Trench Book Entry Date | 2013-07-12 |
Entry Year | 2013 |
Start Page | 81 |
End Page | 88 |
Title | Daily Log |
Descriptive Attribute | Value(s) |
Is Part Of Vocabulary: DCMI Metadata Terms (Dublin Core Terms) | EMO IV Vocabulary: Murlo |
Suggested Citation
Eóin M. O'Donoghue. (2017) "EMO IV (2013-07-12):81-88; Daily Log from Europe/Italy/Poggio Civitate/Civitate A/Civitate A79/2013, ID:664/Locus 3". In Murlo. Anthony Tuck (Ed). Released: 2017-10-04. Open Context. <> ARK (Archive):

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