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Daily Log
June 15, 1971
The trench was taken down to a depth of 25 cm, counting from the excavated floor level. The soil consisted all through the cut of a browinish-black layer, mixed with carbon. Tiles and pithor fragments appeared throughout and were left in situ where possible. Pihor fragments standing upright in grid A3 and C3 indicate possible pithor in situ. Pottery occurred but was less frequent compared to the day before. A plate with a flat rim, fired medium brown was found in grid C3. One strawberry carton of bones.
A cut was made to the west in order to define the extent of the pithos fragments. It covers grid A-F 4, see plan p. 1 . With this cut we are approaching the possible continuation of the mudwall which was found in Rectangle 6, see IEG II . The mud wall was left in R6 as a dike which has now fallen in during the winter.
A very thin layer of str. A, that is the gray stony pavement, was taken off. Its preserved depth did not exceed 5 cm. In grid C3 the pavement was fired light red in a patch occupying most of that grid square.
unrecorded find: lump of bronze
Immediately below str. A there appeared str D with its black soil and pithor and tile fragments. Bucchero of good quality- plain and with incised lines- appeared in A4. In E-F 4 there was a concentration of pottery at a depth of only a few centimeters below the excavated floor level. It consisted of bucchero, mostly very fine, some plain impasto, and sherds which seemed to be Corinthian and East Greek. (with incised rosettes) (with bands) These better sherds were now grey- in different shades- as if the original color bed been changed through excessive firing (destruction layer). An
- R7- C4
- str. D
- rocchetto
- R7-F4-D
- bronze fish hook
- R7-F4-D
- bronze fish-hook
- R7-F4-D
- bronze needle, fragment
incised sherd from grid F3 shows round circles with "faces" which might be shields. Grid F4 produced 2 well preserved fish hooks of bronze and some fragments of bronze- all mixed in with the pottery found immediately below str. A Only a few bones were collected. The tiles and pithor fragments are left in situ.
Finds: Rocchetto- see
bronze lump see
Descriptive Attribute | Value(s) |
Document Type | Trench Book Entry |
Trench Book Entry Date | 1971-06-15 |
Entry Year | 1971 |
Start Page | 13 |
End Page | 22 |
Title | Daily Log |
Descriptive Attribute | Value(s) |
Is Part Of
Vocabulary: DCMI Metadata Terms (Dublin Core Terms) |
Vocabulary: Murlo |
Suggested Citation
Ingrid Edlund. (2017) "IE III (1971-06-15):13-22; Daily Log from Europe/Italy/Poggio Civitate/Tesoro Rectangle/Tesoro Rectangle 8/1971, ID:286/PC 19710384". In Murlo. Anthony Tuck (Ed). Released: 2017-10-04. Open Context. <> ARK (Archive):
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