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Civitate A is best described as the area to the north of the main road leading to Piano del Tesoro, which makes up a large portion of the north slope of the hill. While excavation had taken place here previously, it was the discovery of roasting pits and a number of pieces of copper slag found in CA 33 during the 1990 season which renewed interest in the area (see and ). Following this discovery, in 1991, a number of trenches were excavated in the Civitate A area. CA 37 contained what appeared to be an intentional deposit containing full profiles of both coarseware and impasto vessels (See ). CA 36, begun during the 1991 season and then continued in the 1993 season, revealed an intentional deposit which contained full profiles of coil made pottery and a bronze fibula and was capped by an intentional deposit of stones. The material from this trench, the fibula in particular, suggests an earlier date for the deposit than that associated with Piano del Tesoro to the east (see and ). Furthermore, during excavation on Civitate A during the 1997 season an archaic period well was discovered (see , , and ). During excavation of the area surrounding the well in 1998 another intentional deposit with a diamond shaped stone capping was discovered in CA 42N (see ).
Each of these previous excavations contribute to making further exploration of the Civitate A area a necessity.
CA-60 will be established to the east of CA-57Â’s 2- by 2-meter southern extension and will connect to that extensionÂ’s eastern baulk wall. This orientation is designed to enable us to determine whether the rock feature present in the CA-57 extension consisting of large, flat slabs arranged linearly continues to the east. The goals of CA-60 are identical to those of the rest of the 2007 CA test trenches:
1. To better understand the stratigraphy of the area known as Civitate A.
2. To explore the possibility of additional intentional deposits in the area.
3. To explore the possibility of habitation in the area.
4. To explore the possibility of further metalworking in the area.
In addition, CA-60 has the following more specific goal: to discover the extent of the rock feature in the process of being uncovered to the west, and to determine whether or not it was placed intentionally.
Descriptive Attribute | Value(s) |
Document Type | Trench Book Entry |
Trench Book Entry Date | 2007-07-18 |
Entry Year | 2007 |
Start Page | 1 |
End Page | 2 |
Title | Introduction |
Descriptive Attribute | Value(s) |
Is Part Of Vocabulary: DCMI Metadata Terms (Dublin Core Terms) | AMA/CGM III Vocabulary: Murlo |
Suggested Citation
Alisa M. Augenstein, Caitlin G. Marshall. (2017) "AMA/CGM III (2007-07-18):1-2; Introduction from Europe/Italy/Poggio Civitate/Civitate A/Civitate A 60/2007, ID:595". In Murlo. Anthony Tuck (Ed). Released: 2017-10-04. Open Context. <> ARK (Archive):

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