11 July 2023
The trench was swept for photos, An eastern extension of the trench was
strung along the 179 East grid line 3 meters to the south. A detail photo of
the large carbon feature was taken in Locus 25 in preparation for further
revealing the feature. Also in Locus 25 a detail photo of the rock feature
in its eastern extent was taken in preparation for removing the rocks to
further investigate the extent of Locus 24. Opening photos were taken of the
southeastern extension and opening photos were taken of Locus 27, a section
of plaster floor surface between a northern and middle column base.
Opening coordinates Locus 27:
NW: 177.8 E / 68.45 S
NE: 177.8 E / 68.38 S
SE: 178.8 E / 70.61 S
SW: 178.8 E / 70.56 S
Opening elevations Locus 27:
NW: 26.79 m AE
NE: 26.77 m AE
SE: 26.69 m AE
SW: 26.70 m AE
Munsell Designation Locus 27: 10 YR7/3 - Very pale brown
Locus 27 is a compacted plaster floor surface of the OC2/Workshop that was
opened in a 2.20 m section running North to South with a width of 1 m. The
plaster surface in locus 27 will be removed in order to section beneath the
Excavation began in Locus 25 using hand picks and trowels to lower the level
of the soil. The rock feature in the east of the trench was removed. A large
fragment of an impasto vessel with a small amount of a base was found. The
soil is a similar pinkish brown soil and clay mixture to Locus 24. Fragments
of terracotta are being revealed.
In Locus 24 the northwest corner is being lowered with a small handpick and
The northwest corner is ca. 10 cm higher than the exposed tile fall
and represents the level that excavation stopped in 2022. Fragments of
terracotta are being revealed. Patches of darker soil are being found among
the tiles in the northeast of Locus 24.
The central meter of Locus 25 was lowered to the level of Locus 24 to the
North. Fragments of tile and pottery are being recovered along with a large
amount of plaster. In Locus 24 excavation continues in the NW corner of the
locus. Additional tiles are being revealed and defined. In locus 25 the
carbon deposit was further revealed extending to the west. A small handpick,
a leaf trowel, and a small defining tool were used. Small flakes of carbon
were kept as a sample.
Sample #2
Locus 25
10 carbon fragments
The southern edge of locus 24 was lowered around the tiles in order to
investigate the extent of the carbon, While sorting soil by hand a tile
fragment with a possible fingerprint was found (special find #2).
Special Find #2
Tile with possible fingerprint
175.42 m E
65.94 m S
26.60 m AE
Locus 24
In Locus 23 excavation continues working towards the east. The layer was
lowered in its easternmost extent to the level of Locus 24 to the north. A
fragment of the tile with paint was recovered (Special Find #3)
Special Find #3
Tile with paint
172.06 m E
66.32 m S
26.65 m AE
The carbon deposit of Locus 25 was defined and more of the deposit was
revealed. The deposit extends for ca. 1 m and varies in width between ca.
10-16 cm as it is currently revealed.
In Locus 25 the eastern extent was defined and roots were removed.
A pan tile broken into two fragments was revealed in Locus 24. The tiles
continue to be defined. A darker soil is appearing in the northern extent of
Locus 24. The soil is dark brown with conclusions of carbon. Loose soil was
cleaned using brushed and was sorted by hand into buckets. Closing
elevations were taken.
Closing elevations Locus 24:
NW: 26.68 m AE
NE: 26.76 m AE
SE: 26.68 m AE
SW: 26.60 m AE
Closing elevations Locus 25:
NW: 26.71 m AE
NE: 26.64 m AE
SE: 26.55 m AE
SW: 26.55 m AE
Closing totals Locus 24:
34: Terracotta - ½ bowl
35: Plaster - ½ bowl
36: Pottery - 14 pcs
37: Plaster with reed impressions - 0 pcs
38: Vitrified plaster - 9 pcs
39: Vitrified terracotta - 0 pcs
40: Bone - 0
41: Burnt bone - 3 pcs
Closing totals Locus 25:
42: Terracotta - ½ bowl
43: Plaster - ¼ bowl
44: Pottery - 29 pcs
45: Plaster with reed impressions - 4 pcs
46: Vitrified paster - 6 pcs
47: Vitrified terracotta - 0 pcs
48: Bone - 4 pcs
49: Burnt Bone - 0 pcs (75)