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The goals of Tesoro 101 in the 2022 season were:

  • to clarify the relationship between the southernmost wall of the Archaic Building and the terracotta drainage feature.
  • to uncover possible evidence of a channel or channels which would have directed discharged water and other material away from the southernmost wall.
  • to understand more about the general topography of this area.


The excavation of T101 revealed that the southern extent of the drainage feature comprised of several sections of terracotta pipes had been largely left in situ (and from subsequent reexamination of IE II, it seems that perhaps only the three to four northernmost pipe sections were removed in 1969).  The southernmost two pipe sections, Locus 7, were re-revealed and documented.  Their positioning indicated that the feature had been countersunk beneath the floor level and through the southern wall of the Archaic Building.  It is still unclear whether the pipe sections would also have been topped by stones of the foundation wall or whether they were covered simply by mudbrick or wattle and daub above the foundations instead (though this second possibility seems more likely).  


The southernmost pipe section was removed.  In this process, the top half of the pipe was lifted first.  Then the interior was excavated, demonstrating that a small deposit including fragments of non-decorative architectural terracotta, bone, and pottery was concentrated on the interior bottom of the pipe.  Some of these materials were photographed in situ before their removal and included elements of the narrow diameter of the second pipe section from the south; all fragments were brought to the magazzino for preliminary conservation and cataloging; further work on these fragments will be carried out in 2023.  Once the full interior of the southernmost pipe section was excavated, the bottom half of it was lifted.  All terracotta fragments from the southernmost pipe section were taken to the magazzino for consolidation and cataloging which will be completed in the 2023 season.


Additionally, soil samples were saved from the removed pipe’s interior (Locus 7) for flotation predominately in 2023.  Preliminary inspection of just one of these samples (PC20220108) indicates the presence of a good deal of material, including terracotta, pottery, bone, shell, and high concentrations (by comparison to other samples processed in 2022) of microfauna remains, possibly of mice and birds.  By comparison to other samples processed in 2022, little hammerscale was found in the sample, suggesting that it is not a natural accumulation or intrusion.  Charred plant remains also appear not to be abundant. 


Excavation continued briefly below the removed section of terracotta piping and revealed that several fragments of non-decorative architectural terracotta could be found there.  Joining fragments of a pan tile were removed and brought to the magazzino, but the remaining tiles were left in situ when excavation was ended for the 2022 season.


Within the bounds of T101, there was no indication of a channel, channels, or even a slope which would have directed discharged water and other material away from the southernmost wall of the Archaic Building.  The limited size of the trench laid in 2022 did not allow for a full assessment of this question.  Moreover, that such a feature was not observed may be in part due to the fact that the tentatively planned additional baulk cleaning of Tesoro 22 West Extension’s northern baulk wall was not undertaken due to the wealth of material available for investigation within T101.  Further excavation and investigation is needed in this area to understand more about its topography and subsequently the mechanics of the drainage pipe and any potential related features.



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Vocabulary: DCMI Metadata Terms (Dublin Core Terms)
Trench Book KD VII T101 2022 info
Vocabulary: Murlo
Suggested Citation

Anthony Tuck. (2024) "T101-2022 (2022-08-08):159-162; conclusions from Europe/Italy/Poggio Civitate/Tesoro/Tesoro 101/T101 2022". In Murlo. Anthony Tuck (Ed). Released: In prep. Open Context. <>

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