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Daily Log
Monday, July 21
Due to Thursday night's rain, areas within meters E125-128, S19 were too damp to excavate. It was decided to extend the cut 2 meters to the north (meters E125-128, S17-18). A small portion of E129, S17 will also be included in the cut in order to maintain an eastern baulk parallel with the upper building wall within the trench. A top soil cut was begun in these meters. Soil was dark brown with heavy concentrations of roots and medium-small stones and decayed vegetal matter. This was given the designation locus 12. Due to previous excavation in the area within
meters E127-128, S17-18 the top soil layer is approximately 10 cm thinner than that in the area within E126-127, S17-18. Prior to beginning the cut in this area the large stone in meters E126-127, S17-18 was removed.
During this work a cassetta was filled with tile, including several pieces (15-20) of 12-15 cm. Pottery and bone was recovered in a small amount (less than 1/4 of a latte box), but a concentration of related bucchero fragments was named find #1.
- Find #2
- E127, S18
- locus 12
- 23cm.b.d.
worked chert
- Find #3
- E126, S18
- locus 12
- 25-27cm.b.d.
unusual terracotta/ possible gettone?
Cut was continued in meters E125-128, S17-18. Two pick passes were taken in meters E126-127, S17-18. Roots were removed from the area surrounding the three large stumps in these meters. The soil was dark brown with a high concentration of roots, small stones, and decayed vegetal matter and maintained the designation locus 12. The area was leveled to an approximate depth of 30cm.b.d. In this work approximately 40-45 fragments of tile were added to the morning cassetta and a latte box of bone and ceramic was half-filled.
A small area of meter E126, S17 was designated locus 13 as it encompassed
an area of previous dump. This locus was devoid of material except 2 small pieces of terracotta which were discarded. Meters E125, S17-18 were not excavated as previous dump also encompasses this area at this level.
Descriptive Attribute | Value(s) |
Document Type | Trench Book Entry |
Trench Book Entry Date | 1997-07-21 |
Entry Year | 1997 |
Start Page | 134 |
End Page | 143 |
Title | Daily Log |
Descriptive Attribute | Value(s) |
Is Part Of
Vocabulary: DCMI Metadata Terms (Dublin Core Terms) |
Vocabulary: Murlo |
Suggested Citation
Gretchen Meyers. (2017) "GM I (1997-07-21):134-143; Daily Log from Europe/Italy/Poggio Civitate/Agger/Agger 9 Extension/1997, ID:354". In Murlo. Anthony Tuck (Ed). Released: 2017-10-04. Open Context. <> ARK (Archive):
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