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Bone Totals: Locus Total Percentage 1 94 20% 2 31 6.61% 3 0 0% 4 0 0% 5 2 0.43% 6 91 19.40% 7 0 0% 8 38 8.10% 9 10 2.13% 10 54 11.51% 11 149 31.77% 12 0 0% Grand Total: 469 100% Bone Summary Moderate amounts of bone were found in T100 in 2022. In total, 469 bone fragments were found this season. Most of the bone recovered in 2022 came from deposits associated with the habitation and destruction of the OC2/Workshop structure, particularly Loci 6 and 11 (one deposit recorded separately due to trench extension), which together account for 240 pieces or just over 50%. These loci record a deposit in a pit north of OC2 associated with its habitation and collapse, as evidenced by carbon inclusions. Notably, this includes a proximal deer metacarpal (PC20220056) from Locus 6 and worked antler in 12 fragments (PC20220082) from Locus 11. Locus 1, an OC2/Workshop collapse layer, contained the next largest amount of bone at 94 or 20%. There were also two tubular shell beads recovered from this deposit (PC2022001 and PC2022002) as well as a single antler fragment (PC2022009). A tubular shell bead (PC20220030) was also recovered in Locus 14 of T26 directly to the south of this deposit. An additional tubular shell bead (PC20220050) was recovered from Locus 8, which documented an Archaic stone linear feature, and otherwise contained small amount of bone at 38 or 8.10%. Small amounts of bone, including diagnostic bone, were also recovered from Loci 2, 5, 9, and 10 amounting to a total of 97 or 20% combined with the majority of that being concentrated in Locus 10, which documented Archaic leveling fill. All bone recovered in T100 in the 2022 season was animal bone. Most bone appears to be deer, pig, or sheep/goat. We await further analysis of faunal remains, which will occur in 2023.
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Trench Book AXB I T100 2022 info
Vocabulary: Murlo
Suggested Citation

Anthony Tuck. (2025) "T100-2022 (2022-08-04):211-214; other from Europe/Italy/Poggio Civitate/Tesoro/Tesoro 100/T100 2022". In Murlo. Anthony Tuck (Ed). Released: In prep. Open Context. <>

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