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Descriptive Attribute Value(s)
Ceramics Class
Layer Date Start 350
Layer Date Start Suffix BC
Layer Date End 250
Layer Date End Suffix BC
Bone (count) 35
Plaster (count) 4
Ceramics (count) 36
Publictation Status Published
Publictation Year 2016
Definition Rocky layer beneath a tufo floor, likely representing a preparation or leveling layer
Formation Process Intentional Deposition
Stratigraphic Reliability Good
Stratigraphic Unit Type Anthropic
Elevation Maximum 63.0
Elevation Minimum 63.0
In Elevation Drawing False
Has Photosmodels False
Clay 5.0
Silt 45.0
Sand 50.0
Soil Matrix Granular
Soil Compation Loose
Soil Color Brown
Observations Excavated somewhat before rainstorm; excavated fully after heavy rainstorm - wet conditions
Position south-west corner of area B, East half of room no. 6
Shape rectangular shape with doorway neck on west side
Layer Surface slopes gradually upwards to the west
Layer Inclusion Observations large and small rocks, increasingly frequent towards the west, mostly basalt and tufo, size range 5-60 cm
Layer Thickness Observations increases dramatically to the west, starting a quarter of the way
Layer Interface Diffuse
Finds Observations Impasto: one sherd of buccheroid. Fineare: two sherds join. Layer dates ca. 350 to 250 BC based on commonware comparanda. Sherd counts and dating revised.
Originally Entered Date 2011-05-12
Originally PDF Date 2011-01-08
Originally Signed Date 2011-08-04
Originally Finds Signed Date (Note) 7/16/
Record Revised Date 2016-04-17
Interpretation Subfill under tufo floor 1417, a rocky fill
Bucchero (bases count) 1
Bucchero (walls count) 3
Bucchero (total count) 4
Commonware (rims count) 7
Commonware (handles count) 1
Commonware (bases count) 1
Commonware (walls count) 9
Commonware (total count) 18
Fineware (rims count) 6
Fineware (total count) 6
Impasto (rims count) 2
Impasto (walls count) 4
Impasto (total count) 6
Impasto Chiaro Sabbioso (walls count) 2
Impasto Chiaro Sabbioso (total count) 2
Descriptive Attribute Value(s)
Anthropic Soil Inclusions Pottery
Anthropic Soil Inclusion Details
Soil Inclusion Class and Frequency [Record: 8187]
Class: Pottery, Frequency: [Not recorded]
Soil Inclusion Details
[No details]
Suggested Citation

Rachel Opitz, Marcello Mogetta, Nicola Terrenato. (2017) "Unit 1457 from Europe/Italy/Gabii/Area B". In The Gabii Project. Rachel Opitz, Marcello Mogetta, Nicola Terrenato (Ed). Released: 2017-06-04. Open Context. <> ARK (Archive):

Editorial Status
Part of Project
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