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Descriptive Attribute Value(s)
Ceramics Class
Layer Date Start 400
Layer Date Start Suffix BC
Layer Date End 200
Layer Date End Suffix AD
Publictation Status Published
Publictation Year 2016
Definition Layer with large stones, pot and bones
Formation Process Collapse
Stratigraphic Reliability Good
Stratigraphic Unit Type Anthropic
Elevation Maximum 64.0
Elevation Minimum 63.0
In Elevation Drawing False
Has Photosmodels True
Clay 30.0
Silt 70.0
Sand 0.0
Soil Matrix Granular
Soil Compation Compact
Soil Color Brown
Observations is situated on the easternmost edge of Trench B 2010, not excavat4ed in 2010
Position Central in area B, immediately east of the house and west of the lead of sarcophagus
Shape Long rectangular
Layer Surface Slightly slopes to the south, according to the development of the natural surface
Layer Inclusion Observations no clusters
Finds Observations whole vessels and large fragments with whole profile; 3 handle fragments join; all bases from different vessels
Originally Filled Date 2010-07-30
Originally Revised Date 2010-07-30
Originally Entered Date 2011-07-14
Record Revised Date 2016-04-26
Interpretation SU 1279 represents a deep fill of the bedrock cut SU 1322. It is characterized by a homogenous, dark brown, silty soil with large tufo and limeston inclusions. Also present were large quantities of tile, dolia, ceramics (particularly, block-gloss) and animal bone. The rubble appears to be tumble from the adjacent walls, while the soil was presumably washed in and around the rubble by water channelled into the NS section of the cut 1322 from the EW section of the north
Amphora (rims count) 2
Amphora (handles count) 3
Amphora (walls count) 57
Amphora (total count) 62
Black Gloss (vessels count) 6
Black Gloss (handles count) 5
Black Gloss (bases count) 13
Black Gloss (walls count) 76
Black Gloss (total count) 100
Bucchero (walls count) 5
Bucchero (total count) 5
Commonware (vessels count) 1
Commonware (rims count) 94
Commonware (handles count) 4
Commonware (bases count) 30
Commonware (walls count) 426
Commonware (total count) 555
Commonware With Ingobbio (walls count) 4
Commonware With Ingobbio (total count) 4
Creamware (handles count) 1
Creamware (bases count) 6
Creamware (walls count) 71
Creamware (total count) 78
Genucilia Plate (rims count) 1
Genucilia Plate (total count) 1
Impasto (rims count) 4
Impasto (handles count) 1
Impasto (walls count) 24
Impasto (total count) 29
Impasto Chiaro Sabbioso (vessels count) 1
Impasto Chiaro Sabbioso (rims count) 5
Impasto Chiaro Sabbioso (handles count) 2
Impasto Chiaro Sabbioso (bases count) 3
Impasto Chiaro Sabbioso (walls count) 12
Impasto Chiaro Sabbioso (total count) 23
Italo Geometric (handles count) 1
Italo Geometric (walls count) 7
Italo Geometric (total count) 8
Lamp (vessels count) 1
Lamp (total count) 1
Large Storage Container (rims count) 2
Large Storage Container (walls count) 26
Large Storage Container (total count) 28
Painted Fineware (rims count) 2
Painted Fineware (total count) 2
Tessera (total count) 1
Thin Walled (rims count) 4
Thin Walled (walls count) 6
Thin Walled (total count) 10
Tile (total count) 151
Descriptive Attribute Value(s)
Botany Flotation Volume 1.0
Botany Notes bucket flot-delta#285: little pot contents
Descriptive Attribute Value(s)
Anthropic Soil Inclusions
  • Tiles, Frequent
  • Dolia, Medium
  • Collapse Debris, Frequent
  • Nails, Medium
  • Slag, Rare
  • Pottery
Anthropic Soil Inclusion Details
  • Soil Inclusion Class and Frequency [Record: 1987]
    Class: Tiles, Frequency: Frequent
    Soil Inclusion Details
    [No details]
  • Soil Inclusion Class and Frequency [Record: 2532]
    Class: Dolia, Frequency: Medium
    Soil Inclusion Details
    [No details]
  • Soil Inclusion Class and Frequency [Record: 2881]
    Class: Collapse Debris, Frequency: Frequent
    Soil Inclusion Details
    [No details]
  • Soil Inclusion Class and Frequency [Record: 3243]
    Class: Nails, Frequency: Medium
    Soil Inclusion Details
    [No details]
  • Soil Inclusion Class and Frequency [Record: 3346]
    Class: Slag, Frequency: Rare
    Soil Inclusion Details
    [No details]
  • Soil Inclusion Class and Frequency [Record: 7993]
    Class: Pottery, Frequency: [Not recorded]
    Soil Inclusion Details
    [No details]
Suggested Citation

Rachel Opitz, Marcello Mogetta, Nicola Terrenato. (2017) "Unit 1279 from Europe/Italy/Gabii/Area B". In The Gabii Project. Rachel Opitz, Marcello Mogetta, Nicola Terrenato (Ed). Released: 2017-06-04. Open Context. <> ARK (Archive):

Editorial Status
Part of Project
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