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Has note

The bone material presented in this project comes from several excavations conducted in the old town centre of Emden.

The old town centre of Emden was severely bombed during WWII and this offered the opportunity to investigate the dwelling mound of a known mercantile town. By 1951, shortly before rebuilding activities would start, Prof. Dr. Haarnagel of the Niedersächsischen Landesstelle für Marschen- und Wurtenforschung was granted enough financial means to start excavations on the Emden dwelling mound.

Please refer to Jessica Grimm's dissertation (see reference and links in the project description) for more description of excavations at Emden.

Suggested Citation

Jessica Grimm. (2010) "Emden from Europe/Germany". In Zooarchaeology of Medieval Emden. Jessica Grimm (Ed). Released: 2010-11-01. Open Context. <> ARK (Archive):

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Required Attribution: Citation and reference of URIs (hyperlinks)