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Descriptive Attribute Value(s)
Grouping Old World monkey
Observation Number (Open Context) 32
Subspecies Cercopithecus ascanius whitesidei/ Cercopithecus ascanius katangue
Common name Orange-nosed red-tailed monkey/ Katanga red-tailed monkey
Country or Region Democratic Republic of Congo
Method Unknown
Wet season Unknown
Dry season Unknown
Environment Unknown
Altitude (m) Unknown
% Fruit 44.0
% Leaves 17.0
% Flowers 16.0
% Seeds 24.0
Fruit availability peak Unknown
Low fruit availability Unknown
Percentages Based on average diet composition
Notes Leaves include buds, young leaves, petioles. Subspecies attributed based on subspecies distribution map available on IUCN
Reference Chapman et al., 2002
Full Reference
Chapman, C. A., Chapman, L. J., Cord, M., Gathua J. M., Gautier-Hion, A., Lambert, J. E., Rode, K., Tutin, E. G. and White, L. J. T. (2002). Variation in the diets of Cercopithecus species: differences within forests, among forests, and across species. In: M. E. Glenn and M. Cords (eds) The Guenons: Diversity and adaptation in African Monkeys. London, Kluwer Academic/ Plenum Publishers. Pages: 325-350. [Available at:]
Suggested Citation

Rebecca Haywood. (2020) "Old World monkey 32 from Africa/Democratic Republic of Congo/Salonga, Democratic Republic of Congo". In Database of non-human primate dietary studies. Rebecca Haywood (Ed). Released: 2020-08-21. Open Context. <> ARK (Archive):

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