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Descriptive Attribute Value(s)
Grouping Old World monkey
Observation Number (Open Context) 31
Subspecies Cercopithecus ascanius whitesidei
Common name Orange-nosed red-tailed monkey
Country or Region Democratic Republic of Congo
Method Unknown
Wet season Severe rainy: September - November, slight rainy: March - May (Kano & Mulavwa 1984 - Wanga and Lomako are very closely situated sites)
Dry season December - February, June - August
Environment Primary, climax, evergreen, polyspecific forest and secondary forest
Altitude (m) 390 (Myers-Thompson 2002)
% Fruit 39.6
% Leaves 32.0
% Seeds 5.7
% Invertebrates 22.6
Fruit availability peak June - July, October - November (interannual variation occurs) (Badrian & Malenky 1984)
Low fruit availability January - February (interannual varition occurs) (Badrian & Malenky 1984)
Percentages Unknown
Notes Subspecies attributed based on subspecies distribution map available on IUCN
Reference Zeeve 1991, cited in Jaffe & Isbell 2011
Full Reference
Zeeve, S. R. (1991). Behavior and ecology of primates in the Lomako Forest, Zaire. PhD Thesis, State University of New York, Stony Brook. [Available at: ]
Suggested Citation

Rebecca Haywood. (2020) "Old World monkey 31 from Africa/Democratic Republic of Congo/Lomako, Democratic Republic of Congo". In Database of non-human primate dietary studies. Rebecca Haywood (Ed). Released: 2020-08-21. Open Context. <> ARK (Archive):

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