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Descriptive Attribute Value(s)
Ceramics Class
Bone (count) 430
Mosaic Tile (count) 21
Other (count) 2
Ceramics (count) 3125
Metal (deprecated) (count) 25
Glass (count) 14
Plaster (count) 14
Publictation Status Published
Publictation Year 2016
Ceramics (weight, kg.) 40.74
Metal (deprecated) (weight, kg.) 0.206
Mosaic Tile (weight, kg.) 0.096
Glass (weight, kg.) 0.018
Definition Soil below SU 1325
Other (weight, kg.) 0.01
Bone (weight, kg.) 1.308
Plaster (weight, kg.) 0.224
Formation Process Accumulation
Stratigraphic Reliability Good
Stratigraphic Unit Type Anthropic
Elevation Maximum 63.0
Elevation Minimum 63.0
In Elevation Drawing False
Has Photosmodels False
Clay 20.0
Silt 70.0
Sand 10.0
Soil Matrix Granular
Soil Compation Hard
Soil Color Other_2
Soil Color (Other) reddish brown
Observations dry, sunny conditions; excavated with trowel and pickaxe
Position Adjacent to southern edge of excavation limit, located in the western half of the area
Shape Irregular
Layer Surface Slopes gradually to the south, even EW
Layer Inclusion Observations no clusters
Layer Thickness Observations uneven shallowest at SE corner where there is a rubble pile (SU 1185)
Layer Interface Commingled
Finds Observations Black gloss: includes some pieces that join. Creamware: two rims with partial or whole handles attached. Bone: includes 16 human bones. Metal: includes nails, bosses. Glass: multi-colored design on one piece. Other: two game tokens. Lots of cooking ware present, which could indicate domestic assemblage (or refuse). Layer is probably ca. first century BC; identification of latest datable piece is uncertain.
Ceramics Observations Assemblage has several pieces that join.
Originally Filled Date 2011-07-28
Originally Revised Date 2011-06-30
Originally Entered Date 2011-07-19
Originally Signed Date 2012-06-27
Record Revised Date 2016-04-26
Interpretation SU is defined through ploughmarks on its top. It is a big layer of grayish, mixed material, not dissimilar to SU 1032 from 2010 season. It overlies a large, irregular rubble fall, and contains significant inclusions of friable red tufo just above this rubble layers, SU in places lies directly above a floor layer.
Amphora (rims count) 10
Amphora (handles count) 14
Amphora (bases count) 4
Amphora (walls count) 300
Amphora (total count) 328
Amphora (weight, kg) 13.4
Bucchero (rims count) 2
Bucchero (handles count) 3
Bucchero (walls count) 5
Bucchero (total count) 10
Bucchero (weight, kg) 0.034
Bucchero (min size) 1.0
Bucchero (max size) 4.0
Buccheroid Impasto (rims count) 1
Buccheroid Impasto (walls count) 1
Buccheroid Impasto (total count) 2
Buccheroid Impasto (weight, kg) 0.056
Buccheroid Impasto (min size) 6.0
Buccheroid Impasto (max size) 7.0
Commonware (rims count) 262
Commonware (handles count) 41
Commonware (bases count) 127
Commonware (walls count) 897
Commonware (total count) 1327
Commonware (weight, kg) 13.62
Commonware (min size) 1.0
Commonware (max size) 10.0
Creamware (rims count) 52
Creamware (handles count) 27
Creamware (bases count) 29
Creamware (walls count) 596
Creamware (total count) 704
Creamware (weight, kg) 5.225
Creamware (min size) 1.0
Creamware (max size) 10.0
Dolium (walls count) 15
Dolium (total count) 15
Dolium (weight, kg) 2.085
Dolium (min size) 3.0
Dolium (max size) 10.0
Fineware (rims count) 3
Fineware (handles count) 1
Fineware (bases count) 2
Fineware (walls count) 20
Fineware (total count) 26
Fineware (weight, kg) 0.164
Fineware (min size) 2.0
Fineware (max size) 10.0
Genucilia Plate (rims count) 1
Genucilia Plate (walls count) 1
Genucilia Plate (total count) 2
Genucilia Plate (weight, kg) 0.018
Genucilia Plate (min size) 2.0
Genucilia Plate (max size) 5.0
Impasto (rims count) 24
Impasto (handles count) 1
Impasto (bases count) 4
Impasto (walls count) 44
Impasto (total count) 73
Impasto (weight, kg) 2.01
Impasto (min size) 1.0
Impasto (max size) 7.0
Impasto Chiaro Sabbioso (rims count) 1
Impasto Chiaro Sabbioso (walls count) 21
Impasto Chiaro Sabbioso (total count) 22
Impasto Chiaro Sabbioso (weight, kg) 0.23
Impasto Chiaro Sabbioso (min size) 2.0
Impasto Chiaro Sabbioso (max size) 6.0
Impasto Rosso (rims count) 4
Impasto Rosso (walls count) 32
Impasto Rosso (total count) 36
Impasto Rosso (weight, kg) 0.494
Impasto Rosso (min size) 2.0
Impasto Rosso (max size) 6.0
Internal Red Slip Ware (rims count) 2
Internal Red Slip Ware (walls count) 4
Internal Red Slip Ware (total count) 6
Internal Red Slip Ware (weight, kg) 0.162
Internal Red Slip Ware (min size) 3.0
Internal Red Slip Ware (max size) 9.0
Italo Megarian (rims count) 1
Italo Megarian (walls count) 21
Italo Megarian (total count) 22
Italo Megarian (weight, kg) 0.064
Italo Megarian (min size) 2.0
Italo Megarian (max size) 4.0
Lamp (rims count) 8
Lamp (handles count) 1
Lamp (bases count) 2
Lamp (walls count) 8
Lamp (total count) 19
Lamp (weight, kg) 0.13
Lamp (min size) 2.0
Lamp (max size) 5.0
Painted Commonware (rims count) 10
Painted Commonware (handles count) 1
Painted Commonware (bases count) 1
Painted Commonware (walls count) 8
Painted Commonware (total count) 20
Painted Commonware (weight, kg) 0.26
Painted Commonware (min size) 2.0
Painted Commonware (max size) 7.0
Painted Creamware (rims count) 7
Painted Creamware (handles count) 4
Painted Creamware (bases count) 3
Painted Creamware (walls count) 25
Painted Creamware (total count) 39
Painted Creamware (weight, kg) 0.448
Painted Creamware (min size) 2.0
Painted Creamware (max size) 8.0
Painted Fineware (rims count) 1
Painted Fineware (handles count) 1
Painted Fineware (total count) 2
Painted Fineware (weight, kg) 0.074
Painted Fineware (min size) 3.0
Painted Fineware (max size) 5.0
Terra Sigillata (rims count) 5
Terra Sigillata (handles count) 1
Terra Sigillata (bases count) 2
Terra Sigillata (walls count) 31
Terra Sigillata (total count) 39
Terra Sigillata (weight, kg) 0.222
Terra Sigillata (min size) 1.0
Terra Sigillata (max size) 6.0
Thin Walled (rims count) 35
Thin Walled (handles count) 3
Thin Walled (bases count) 16
Thin Walled (walls count) 173
Thin Walled (total count) 227
Thin Walled (weight, kg) 0.414
Thin Walled (min size) 1.0
Thin Walled (max size) 5.0
Unguentarium (walls count) 1
Unguentarium (total count) 1
Unguentarium (weight, kg) 0.008
Unguentarium (max size) 3.0
Unidentified Ceramic (rims count) 3
Unidentified Ceramic (walls count) 6
Unidentified Ceramic (total count) 9
Unidentified Ceramic (weight, kg) 0.052
Unidentified Ceramic (min size) 2.0
Unidentified Ceramic (max size) 5.0
Descriptive Attribute Value(s)
Anthropic Soil Inclusions
  • Metal, Rare
  • Tiles, Medium
  • Amphorae, Medium
  • Dolia, Rare
  • Mosaic Tile, Rare
  • Mortar, Rare
  • Glass, Rare
  • Nails, Rare
  • Slag, Rare
  • Painted Plaster, Rare
  • Pottery
Geologic Soil Inclusions
  • Tufo, Frequent
  • Travertine, Rare
  • Basalt, Rare
  • Pebbles, Medium
Organic Soil Inclusions
  • Charcoal, Rare
  • Animal Bones, Rare
  • Shells, Rare
  • Animal Teeth, Rare
Anthropic Soil Inclusion Details
  • Soil Inclusion Class and Frequency [Record: 259]
    Class: Metal, Frequency: Rare
    Soil Inclusion Details
    metal bronze and iron
  • Soil Inclusion Class and Frequency [Record: 2185]
    Class: Tiles, Frequency: Medium
    Soil Inclusion Details
    [No details]
  • Soil Inclusion Class and Frequency [Record: 2399]
    Class: Amphorae, Frequency: Medium
    Soil Inclusion Details
    [No details]
  • Soil Inclusion Class and Frequency [Record: 2472]
    Class: Dolia, Frequency: Rare
    Soil Inclusion Details
    [No details]
  • Soil Inclusion Class and Frequency [Record: 2574]
    Class: Mosaic Tile, Frequency: Rare
    Soil Inclusion Details
    [No details]
  • Soil Inclusion Class and Frequency [Record: 2681]
    Class: Mortar, Frequency: Rare
    Soil Inclusion Details
    [No details]
  • Soil Inclusion Class and Frequency [Record: 2975]
    Class: Glass, Frequency: Rare
    Soil Inclusion Details
    [No details]
  • Soil Inclusion Class and Frequency [Record: 3164]
    Class: Nails, Frequency: Rare
    Soil Inclusion Details
    [No details]
  • Soil Inclusion Class and Frequency [Record: 3348]
    Class: Slag, Frequency: Rare
    Soil Inclusion Details
    [No details]
  • Soil Inclusion Class and Frequency [Record: 3522]
    Class: Painted Plaster, Frequency: Rare
    Soil Inclusion Details
    [No details]
  • Soil Inclusion Class and Frequency [Record: 8000]
    Class: Pottery, Frequency: [Not recorded]
    Soil Inclusion Details
    [No details]
Geologic Soil Inclusion Details
  • Soil Inclusion Class and Frequency [Record: 395]
    Class: Tufo, Frequency: Frequent
    Soil Inclusion Details
    tufo gray and red
  • Soil Inclusion Class and Frequency [Record: 4307]
    Class: Travertine, Frequency: Rare
    Soil Inclusion Details
    [No details]
  • Soil Inclusion Class and Frequency [Record: 4646]
    Class: Basalt, Frequency: Rare
    Soil Inclusion Details
    [No details]
  • Soil Inclusion Class and Frequency [Record: 5090]
    Class: Pebbles, Frequency: Medium
    Soil Inclusion Details
    [No details]
Organic Soil Inclusion Details
  • Soil Inclusion Class and Frequency [Record: 5353]
    Class: Charcoal, Frequency: Rare
    Soil Inclusion Details
    [No details]
  • Soil Inclusion Class and Frequency [Record: 6097]
    Class: Animal Bones, Frequency: Rare
    Soil Inclusion Details
    [No details]
  • Soil Inclusion Class and Frequency [Record: 6899]
    Class: Shells, Frequency: Rare
    Soil Inclusion Details
    [No details]
  • Soil Inclusion Class and Frequency [Record: 7131]
    Class: Animal Teeth, Frequency: Rare
    Soil Inclusion Details
    [No details]
Suggested Citation

Rachel Opitz, Marcello Mogetta, Nicola Terrenato. (2017) "Unit 1327 from Europe/Italy/Gabii/Area B". In The Gabii Project. Rachel Opitz, Marcello Mogetta, Nicola Terrenato (Ed). Released: 2017-06-04. Open Context. <> ARK (Archive):

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