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Daily Trench Journal
Area D
Trench 5
July 10, 2002
After the removal of the main portion of the fabric yesterday afternoon, the opportunity presented itself to see what was a little bit lower while flattening the area underneath. Quickly we found another large "surface" of the compacted organic material, this one at least as extensive as the other (L5095) but at the moment its full extent is unclear as we need to dig deeper in surrounding areas before can fully articulate it. Many samples were taken.
While going down to the N of this feature, the rock group seems to be expanding, but no architecture is apparent right now. Nonetheless, the area has been redesignated L5099. Of interest, this portion of the locus produced a conical loom weight (or bead), KT 5094.49; several obsidian blade portions (KTs 5094.53, 5094.54, 5094.49 and 5094.46); and possibly a couple large hammerstones (KTs 5094.51 and 5094.2).
My current theory of the feature-rich parts of the trench is that we have a corner of the mudbrick structure and the far SW corner is the only enclosed area, the SE being an attached but exterior cooking space and the organic-laden center-W is an outdoor storage area, possibly with only three original walls which were partially timber, hence our difficulty in tracing them. What’s going on in the N, NE, and E-central is still somewhat unclear, though I think the NE may still be effected by tumble, though perhaps ancient as opposed to more recent tumble.
The main plan for tomorrow is to bring down the whole central portion of the trench, as best we can, to the lowest floor level (currently the southern grain), assuming we don’t encounter any notable features on the way down. Some time may also be taken to clean up the SE corner of the trench and start excavating there and some work may be done on the W-central rock group (L5099), too.
Descriptive Attribute | Value(s) |
Date | 2002-07-10 |
Year | 2002 |
Has note | The purpose of the daily journal was to record the activities taking place in a trench each day. This included which loci were excavated, how and why loci were excavated and the ongoing impressions of the relationships among loci. It should be noted that journals record the actions, impressions and ideas of trench supervisors during the excavations. They are not, therefore, the final interpretations or syntheses of the emerging data. |
Suggested Citation
Catherine P. Foster, Eleanor Moseman, Greer Rabicca. (2012) "D-5-2002-07-10 from Asia/Turkey/Kenan Tepe/Area D/Trench 5/Locus 5080". In Kenan Tepe. Bradley Parker, Peter Cobb (Ed). Released: 2012-03-28. Open Context. <> ARK (Archive):
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