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Daily Trench Journal

Area D

Trench 5

July 9, 2002

The day was spent preparing the fabric for removal, though the idea to stabilize it with plaster before removal was rejected on grounds of time and expense, as well as due to the excellent samples we have already. While clearing a trench around the plaster (so that a metal sheet could be placed under the whole of it) it was discovered the feature when further than originally expected, though not substantially. In the interest of getting the material out of the trench (it had been exposed for three days), the largest segment was removed during the afternoon.

The removal went reasonably well considering the lack of stabilization. Though there was some fracturing, the essential piece where the fabric can be seen laying over a mudbrick or something similar survived in tact. I would have hoped for better results, but frankly they were better than I expected.

Other time during the day was spent bringing the NE corner down to the general level of excavations (L5084). The area still seems to be pretty much loose fill, possibly still tumble, though in the more westward portions we are perhaps coming down on some mudbrick collapse or the very start of some architecture.

Descriptive Attribute Value(s)
Date 2002-07-09
Year 2002
Has note The purpose of the daily journal was to record the activities taking place in a trench each day. This included which loci were excavated, how and why loci were excavated and the ongoing impressions of the relationships among loci. It should be noted that journals record the actions, impressions and ideas of trench supervisors during the excavations. They are not, therefore, the final interpretations or syntheses of the emerging data.
Suggested Citation

Catherine P. Foster, Eleanor Moseman, Greer Rabicca. (2012) "D-5-2002-07-09 from Asia/Turkey/Kenan Tepe/Area D/Trench 5/Locus 5080". In Kenan Tepe. Bradley Parker, Peter Cobb (Ed). Released: 2012-03-28. Open Context. <> ARK (Archive):

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