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Trench D6 Daily Journal      August 6, 2002

Today we finished removing floor L17 (except for a ~1 meter section abutting L20). It remained consistently thick (~8cm) with lots of pottery and lithics throughout.

We excavated in the N part of L14, trying to resolve its connection with the wall L5. in removing debri we came across a full bag of slag, We had previously found lots of slag in this area. In order to sort this we cleaned the inside of the chamber of L14, reexaming the slag. It appears that the wall of L14 slumped back on itself, and is leaning to the South. In excavating it appears we came at the lower sections of slag from the back (preventing us from seeing the structure) and that the current lower portion inside L14 is fill. In reexamining the slag we also debated the direction of flow. I believe its possible that this is the original orientation, as we have pieces of slag with drip at both ends, and one instance of a broken "bridge". This however is in debate.

In further exploration we cleaned and reexamined wall L5, finding yet more slag also in apparently correct situation. I believe the most convincing possibility at this point is that this was an earlier furnace than L20, judging from its depth and the way it abuts surface L31 . However, the depth of the chambers and extent of the debri in front of L20 dispute this.

Lynn came down to check out our stones from L17 and to view our progress. We pulled some samples form the large "river conglomerate" (They appeared to be very high in iron and possibly manganese, and had a strong red orange and purplish red character). We then reexamined L35, and found a hard grainy concretion between the pebbles (previously hidden under a layer of dirt). This appears to be similar to that previously found in C, but is somewhat dissimilar to the material within L5 (Its more granular and less homogenous).

We continued down in L29, moving slowly and exposing a strange maze of orange mud brick collapse. I’m not really sure what to say expect that it is of very loose structure and has areas of very loose ashy soil within it.

Lastly we redefined L31 (shrinking it, expanding L4) and then excavated down to the level of our main step (#3 for the season). Nothing to interesting to tell.

Descriptive Attribute Value(s)
Date 2002-08-06
Year 2002
Has note The purpose of the daily journal was to record the activities taking place in a trench each day. This included which loci were excavated, how and why loci were excavated and the ongoing impressions of the relationships among loci. It should be noted that journals record the actions, impressions and ideas of trench supervisors during the excavations. They are not, therefore, the final interpretations or syntheses of the emerging data.
Suggested Citation

Drew McGaraghan. (2012) "D-6-2002-08-06 from Asia/Turkey/Kenan Tepe/Area D/Trench 6/Locus 4". In Kenan Tepe. Bradley Parker, Peter Cobb (Ed). Released: 2012-03-28. Open Context. <> ARK (Archive):

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