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Descriptive Attribute Value(s)
Locus Number 8
Legacy Database LocusID 1389
Legacy Database TBTID 422
Locus Year 2015
Open Date 2015-07-22
Close Date 2015-07-24
Open Page 121
Close Page 129
Soil Samples False
Photos False
Munsell Color 2.5YR/4/2
Description Locus 8 lies directly below Locus 7. It lies above part of Locus 9. Locus 8 consists of a modeled blue and dark brown soil, it contains many small stones, of limestone and chert. Loucs 8 is similar to Loci 1 and 2. Patches of carbon were present in the soil. Much tile and ceramic were recovered from the Locus, consisting mainly of impasto wares, but also some black-gloss fragments. Some modern materials were recovered too, including part of a tin-can and modern glass.
Descriptive Attribute Value(s)
Opening Grid Coordinates
EW (x) NS (y) Elevation (z) Rotation Order
-13.91 -5.16 306.62 1
-8.96 -4.07 306.65 2
-8.79 -5.1 306.64 3
-13.7 -6.14 306.63 4
Closing Grid Coordinates
EW (x) NS (y) Elevation (z) Rotation Order
-13.91 -5.16 306.5 1
-8.96 -4.07 306.33 2
-8.79 -5.1 306.26 3
-13.7 -6.14 306.54 4
Suggested Citation

Anthony Tuck. (2017) "Locus 8 from Europe/Italy/Vescovado di Murlo/Upper Vescovado/Vescovado 8/2015, ID:695". In Murlo. Anthony Tuck (Ed). Released: 2017-10-04. Open Context. <> ARK (Archive):

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