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Descriptive Attribute Value(s)
  • Hard smooth surface, appears heat/sun cracked. Blue grey areas many indicate staning due to burning
  • Hard sloping surface consisting of a rammed earth layer cracked through drying/heating so that it flaked into ploygonal pieces on removal. Beneath this was a plaster layer 2-5cm thick which broke into large hard lumps. Below that was a soft powdery deposit, red-brown in colour becoming brownish-black toward the south western limit of F262. This corresponded with a blackened area on the first earth layer suggesting burning had occurred there. Pottery, flin and bone occurred very rarely in the overall matrix.
Year Opened
  • 1997-04-03
  • 1998-04-03
Trench-n 446.0
Trench-e 596.0
Initials si
Coord_1-n 448.0
Coord_1-s 596.0
Coord_2-n 447.0
  • 597.0
  • 598.0
Begin Depth
  • 95.06
  • 95.08
End Depth
  • 94.87
  • 94.71
Later Than
Earlier Than
Discovery Lot
  • 878
  • see dt97
Cleaning Lot
  • 902
  • see dt97
Removal Lot L2011
Suggested Citation

Elizabeth Carter, Stuart Campbell. (2010) "Feature 262 from Asia/Turkey/Domuztepe/II". In Domuztepe Excavations. Elizabeth Carter, Stuart Campbell (Ed). Released: 2010-12-12. Open Context. <> ARK (Archive):

Editorial Status
Part of Project
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Required Attribution: Citation and reference of URIs (hyperlinks)