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Descriptive Attribute Value(s)
Monument ID 95
Publication Citation BD-VAHD (18) 1895
Date Found or Published 1895
Monument Type inscription fragment
Monument Of Seventh Legion yes
Inscription l]eg(ionis) VII [---] / [---]ia Leg[
Translation [-] the 7th legion [-]IA LEG[-]
Translation Source Coopey
Date From 7
Date To 59
ModernHolding Arheološki muzej u Splitu/Archaeological Museum in Split
HoldingData Inv. No. A 2111
MonumentNote Tončinić 2011 notes MonumentID 8, 24, 62 were found nearby
External Media Link (Note: This resource is outside Open Context and may be modified, moved, or removed without notice.)
Suggested Citation

Ewan Coopey, Brian Ballsun-Stanton. (2025) "Monument 95 from Europe/Croatia/Solin/Solin (Findspot ID 8)". In Community and Identity in the Roman Seventh Legion. Ewan Coopey, Brian Ballsun-Stanton (Ed). Released: In prep. Open Context. <>

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