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Descriptive Attribute Value(s)
Description Irregular shaped mass of white, chalky, homogenous matrix noted near the bottom of pit F268. Sitting either on the pit bottom or on a lower level, F272 is difficult to define due to absence of architectural associations and its apparent insuitability for construction. Since it emerges from the wall of the pit it appears to have been "cut" by pit construction and thus predates it by an unknown period
Year Opened 1998-04-03
Trench-n 451.0
Trench-e 596.0
Initials jes
Coord_1-n 455.0
Coord_1-s 600.0
Coord_2-n 456.0
Coord_2-s 601.0
Begin Depth 94.07
End Depth 93.92
Earlier Than
Discovery Lot L1029
Removal Lot L2022
Suggested Citation

Elizabeth Carter, Stuart Campbell. (2010) "Feature 272 from Asia/Turkey/Domuztepe/II". In Domuztepe Excavations. Elizabeth Carter, Stuart Campbell (Ed). Released: 2010-12-12. Open Context. <> ARK (Archive):

Editorial Status
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