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Descriptive Attribute Value(s)
Description Fill consisting mainly of large pot sherds and medium sized stones 15x5cm) PLASter is also present in lumps between the sherds. The fill forms a triangualr shape between walls F266 amd F260. As the sherds do not lie horizontally and are intermixed with stones it seems F271 served as a packing to stabilise and level the area between the two walls. The entire fill slopes gently downwards to the east
Year Opened 1998-04-03
Trench-n 451.0
Trench-e 596.0
Initials jes
Coord_1-n 450.0
Coord_1-s 598.0
Coord_2-n 449.0
Coord_2-s 599.0
Begin Depth 94.76
End Depth 94.47
Later Than
Earlier Than L2012
Discovery Lot L2012
Cleaning Lot L2012
Removal Lot L2013
Suggested Citation

Elizabeth Carter, Stuart Campbell. (2010) "Feature 271 from Asia/Turkey/Domuztepe/II". In Domuztepe Excavations. Elizabeth Carter, Stuart Campbell (Ed). Released: 2010-12-12. Open Context. <> ARK (Archive):

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