project banner image
Descriptive Attribute Value(s)
Collection Name/number SCI-09
Owner US Department of the Navy, Naval Facilities Engineering Command, Southwest
Micro Photo? yes;1
Macro Photo? yes
Recovery Type Survey
Unit Not given
Depth (cm) Surface
Condition Complete
Material Class Groundstone
Object Type Donut stone
Rock Type Volcanic (slightly vesicular, dacitic)
Weight (g) 607.9
Maximum Object Diameter (cm) 10.1
Maximum Object Thickness (cm) 5.4
Minimum Perforation Diameter (cm) 2.0
Wear Distribution Use-wear inside hole, most intensively at narrowest point.
Wear Characteristics (up To 40x) Leveling and sheen on high areas. Most complete leveling and intense sheen at narrowest point of perforation. Rounded interstice edges and high areas.
Comments Oblong shape. Natural "fingerholds" on edges. Biconical hole. Other id# 76BW-1-8-88
Has note The SDAC curates several ground-stone -donut- objects collected by archaeologists during survey and excavation across sites in Southern California.
Suggested Citation

San Diego Archaeological Center. (2011) "SCI-09: 00028 from Americas/United States/California/CA-SCLI-1215". In San Diego Archaeological Center. San Diego Archaeological Center (Ed). Released: 2011-09-21. Open Context. <> ARK (Archive):

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