Descriptive Attribute | Value(s) |
Period Name | ES-AS 3 Trans. |
Context | Occupational Debris |
Osteo Id | Rib |
Body Part Id | Axial |
Taxonomic Id | Medium Mammal |
Number of fragments | 1 |
Symmetry | Indeterminate |
Pathology | Not diseased |
Fragmentation | Fragment of |
Proximal / distal | Not applicable |
Lateral / medial | Complete |
Anterior / posterior | Complete |
Dorsal / ventral | Middle portion |
Fusion (proximal) | Indeterminate |
Burning | Unburnt |
Modification 1 | Unmodified |
Butchered | Not marked |
Toothtype | Not applicable |
Tooth position | Not applicable |
Tooth class | Not applicable |
Tooth number | Not applicable |
Root | Not applicable |
Toothwear | Not applicable |
Age | Not applicable |
Horn Core | Missing |
Has note | Each zooarchaeological specimen has a unique ID. |
Descriptive Attribute | Value(s) |
Has Biological Taxonomy
Vocabulary: Biological Taxonomy Vocabulary |
Has anatomical identification
Vocabulary: Open Context Zooarchaeology Annotations |
Vocabulary: UBERON (Uber Anatomy Ontology) Open Context References: rib |
Has fusion character
Vocabulary: Open Context Zooarchaeology Annotations |
Indeterminate |
Has taxonomic identifier
Vocabulary: Food Ontology |
Consists of
Vocabulary: CIDOC Conceptual Reference Model (CRM) |
animal material
Vocabulary: Getty Art and Architecture Thesaurus Open Context References: animal material |
Suggested Citation
Jane Wheeler Pires-Ferreira. (2010) "Bone CGM10089 from Asia/Iran/Chogha Mish/ES-AS 3 Trans.". In Chogha Mish Fauna. Levent Atici, Sarah W. Kansa, Justin SE. Lev-Tov (Ed). Released: 2010-08-25. Open Context. <> ARK (Archive):
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