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Dynamic Viewer for Image: 19680559bw.jpg

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Descriptive Attribute Value(s)
Title Cut-Out Akroterion Fragment
Primary photo False
Photo Type Cataloged Artifact
Photo ID 9810
Album ID 0
Description Fragment of large akroterion of cut-out type, flat on all finished surfaces, preserving one entire small "cut-out": entire piece has portions of finished surfaces on both short ends, now roughly crescent shaped, although their original extent is uncertain. On one long side is another concave surface, more irregular in outline but similar to crescent shape. On the other side is a small projection, approximately rectangular, but wider and rounded at the end, set onto the large shaft at an angle. Original shape of the piece may have been the broad shaft with crescent-shaped or larger depressions, and various projections, such as the rounded projection, and a broader, shaft-like extension on the opposite corner of the main shaft from the former. Traces of red and black paint adhere. Apparently black paint was distributed on the central portions of the piece, with a border of red on all edges. Projection has a tear-shaped central black area, and its rounded sides are black. Possible nailhole (half remains) preserved on broken long side of shaft on same side as projection.
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Suggested Citation

Anthony Tuck. (2012) "19680559bw.jpg from Europe/Italy/Poggio Civitate/Agger/Agger 2D/1968, ID:467/PC 19680559". In Murlo. Anthony Tuck (Ed). Released: 2012-12-28. Open Context. <> ARK (Archive):

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